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Elisabetta Iossa, here is the curriculum vitae of the new Antitrust Commissioner

Elisabetta Iossa, here is the curriculum vitae of the new Antitrust Commissioner

Biography and publications of the economist Elisabetta Iossa, new member of the market and competition Authority chaired by Roberto Rustichelli

A woman economist at the top of the Antitrust (where in the college there are only men and jurists).

Elisabetta Iossa won over Ginevra Bruzzone at the end of the appointment to the Antitrust after Gabriella Muscolo's office expired in May 2021.

And already last June Muscolo, former judge of the Rome Business Court and member of the enlarged Appeals Chamber of the European Patent Office, became a partner of Studio Franzosi Dal Negro Setti.

The President of the Senate of the Republic, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, and President of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberto Fico , have appointed Professor Elisabetta Iossa as a member of the Antitrust Authority.

The members of the Authority are chosen, in accordance with the provisions of the law (law n.287 / 1990), among persons of well-known independence, among the judges of the Council of State, the Court of Auditors or the Court of Cassation, university professors professors of economic or legal subjects, and personalities from economic sectors with high and recognized professionalism



Full Professor of Economics

Department of Economics and Finance

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Via Columbia 2, 00133 Rome


Current Academic Appointments:


Full Professor of Economics, Dept Economics and Finance, Univ. Of Rome Tor Vergata.


Research Fellow , Center for Economic Policy Research, CEPR (London) 2018-present Research Fellow , GREEN Center (Bocconi University).


Research Fellow , CEIS (University of Rome Tor Vergata)


Coordinator , M.Sc. European Economy and Business Law, Univ. Of Rome Tor Vergata.

Other Current Appointments

2018 present Executive Committee : European Association of Researchers in Industrial Economics 2018-present Associate Editor : Journal of Public Procurement

2018-present Editorial Board: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 2015-present Advisory Board : Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 2019-present Advisory Board of the Economic Policy Review, Confindustria. 03 2021-2024 Member Register of the Arbitration Chamber, National Anti-Corruption Authority ANAC. 04-2020-present Technical Committee "Finance and Contracts" PIARC Italy.

Past appointments

04 / 2020-08 / 2021 Scientific Committee Chair, 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE).

03 / 2013-2020 Coordinator , Proxenter, Center for Research in Public Procurement and Supply Chain. 09 / 2004-2010 Full Professor in Economics, Brunel University (West London, UK). 09 / 2002-2004 Senior Lecturer in Economics, Brunel University, (West London, UK). 02 / 1999-2002 Lecturer in Economics, Brunel University, (West London, UK). 01 / 1998-1999 Maitre de conférences, University of Liege (Belgium).

Suppléant, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).

01 / 1997-1998 TMR Marie Curie European Commission, ECARES Université Libre de Bruxelles. H.index = 24; i10-index: 41; Google Scholar Citations: 3057; Repec : Top 5-7% Italian Economists

Research Area: Industrial and Public Economcis: procurement, public private partnerships, competition policy and regulation; public sector and incentives.

Selected Publications: Games and Economic Behavior (2015), Economic Journal (1998), Journal of the European Economic Association (2014, 2021), International Journal of Industrial Organization (2002, 2015), Journal of Economics and Management Studies (forthcoming) , Journal of Industrial Economics (1999), Journal of Law, Economics & Organization (2020), Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (2011), Journal of Public Economics (2006), Rand Journal of Economics (2004, 2012, 2012), Review of Economic Studies (forthcoming).

Adviser / Technical Committees: UK Competition Commission, DG Connect European Commission, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Financial Service Authority UK, Italian Construction Association, JRC European Commission, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, UK Office of Fair Trading, IFAD-United Nations, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, Road National Association.


Publications: Articles in International Journals

  1. Iossa, Elisabetta, Rey Patrick and Mike Waterson (2021): Organizing Competition for the Market. Forthcoming Journal of the European Economic Association. (VQR: A).
  2. Decarolis, Francesco, Gaetan de Rassenfosse, Leonardo Giuffrida, Elisabetta Iossa, Vincenzo Mollisi, Emilio Raitieri, Giancarlo Spagnolo (2021) “Buyer Role in Innovation Procurement”. Forthcoming , Journal of Economics and Management Studies. (VQR: A).
  3. De Chiara Alessandro and Elisabetta Iossa (2021), “Setting the Budget for Targeted Research Projects”, Green-Bocconi Discussion paper 108. Forthcoming , The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.
  4. Iossa Elisabetta, Rey Patrick and Yeon-Koo Che (2021) “Prizes vs Contracts as Incentives for Innovation” Forthcoming , Review of Economic Studies. (VQR: A)
  5. Decarolis, Francesco, Giuffrida, Leonardo, Iossa, Elisabetta, Mollisi Vincenzo and Giancarlo Spagnolo “Bureaucratic Competence and Procurement Outcomes” (2020), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 36 (3): 537-597. (VQR: A)
  6. Buccino Giulia, Iossa, Elisabetta, Raganelli, Biancamaria and Mate Vincze (2020), “Competitive Dialogue: An Economic and Legal Assessment” Journal of Public Procurement , 20 (2): 163-185.
  7. Iossa, Elisabetta and Mike Waterson (2019) “Maintaining Competition in Recurrent Procurement Contracts: The Case of London Bus Tendering”. Transport Policy, Vol. 75 : 141-149. (VQR: A)
  8. Iossa, Elisabetta, Biagi, Federico and Valbonesi Paola (2018) Pre-commercial Procurement, Procurement of Innovative Solutions and Innovation Partnerships in the EU: Rationale and Strategy. Economics of Innovation and New Technology , 27 (8): 730-749. (VQR: B)
  9. Iossa, Elisabetta and Stephane Saussier (2018), Public Private Partnerships in Europe for Building and Managing Public Infrastructures: An Economic Perspective. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics . ( Invited paper ). Vol. 89, 1: 25-42.
  10. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2016), “Corruption in PPPs, Incentives and Contract Incompleteness”. International Journal of Industrial Organization , 44: 85–100. (VQR: A)
  11. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2015), “Pessimistic Information Gathering,” Games and Economic Behavior 91, 75 – 96. (VQR: A).
  12. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2015), “The Simple Micro-Economics of Public Private Partnerships. Journal of Public Economic Theory , Volume 17, (1), 4–48.
  13. Iossa, Elisabetta and Patrick Rey (2014), 'Building Reputation for Contract Renewal: Implications for Performance Dynamic and Contract Duration, Journal of the European Economic Association , 12 (3), 549–574. (VQR: A).
  14. Iossa, Elisabetta and Bruno Jullien (2012), 'The Market for Lawyers and the Quality of Legal Services', RAND Journal of Economics, 43 (4), 677-704 (VQR: A).
  15. Iossa, Elisabetta and David Martimort (2012), “Risk Allocation and the Costs and Benefits of Public-Private Partnerships,” RAND Journal of Economics, 43 (3): 442-474 (VQR: A).
  16. Iossa, Elisabetta and Francesca Stroffolini (2012), 'Vertical Integration and Costly Demand Information in Regulated Network Industries', with , Review of Industrial Organization, 40 (4): 249-271.
  17. Georgellis, Yannis; Iossa Elisabetta and Vurain Tabvuma (2011), 'Crowding Out Public Sector Motivation, with and, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theor y, 21 (3): 473-493. (VQR: A).
  18. Bennett John, Iossa Elisabetta and Gabriella Legrenzi (2010), 'Commercial Activity as Insurance: the

Investment Behavior of Non-Profit Firms', Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , 85 (3): 445-465.

  1. Bennett John and Iossa Elisabetta (2010) 'Contracting Out Public Service Provision to Non-for-profit Firms', Oxford Economic Papers , vol. 62 (4): 784-802. (VQR: B)
  2. Iossa Elisabetta and Giuliana Palumbo (2010), 'Overoptimism and Lender Liability in the Consumer Credit Market', Oxford Economic Papers, 62 (2): 374-394. (VQR: B)
  3. Iossa Elisabetta, Martimort David and Jérôme Pouyet (2008), 'Partenariats Public-Privé: Quelques Réflexions,' with, Revue Economique, 59 (3): 437-449.
  4. Iossa Elisabetta and Giuliana Palumbo (2007) “Information Provision and Monitoring of the Decision maker in the Presence of an Appeal Process; " Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics , 163 (4): 657-682.
  5. Bennett John and Iossa Elizabeth (2006). “Building and Managing Facilities for Public Services” Journal of Public Economics , 90 (10-11): 2143-2160. (VQR: A).
  6. Bennett John and Iossa Elizabeth (2006). “Delegation of Contracting in the Private Provision of Public Services”, Review of Industrial Organization , 29 (1-2): 75-92. Special Issue on Public-Private Partnerships.
  7. Iossa Elisabetta and Francesca Stroffolini (2005), “Price cap Regulation, Revenue Sharing and Information Acquisition”, Information Economics and Policy , 17: 217-230.
  8. Iossa Elisabetta and with Patrick Legros (2004) “Auditing and Property Rights”, RAND Journal of Economics , 35: 356-372. (VQR: A).
  9. Iossa Elisabetta and Giuliana Palumbo (2004) "Product Quality, Lender Liability and Consumer Credit", Oxford Economic Papers , 56, pp. 331, 343. (VQR: B)
  10. Bennett John, Iossa Elisabetta and Gabriella Legrenzi. (2003) “The role of commercial non-profit organizations in Public -Private Partnerships”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy , vol. 19 (2), pp. 335- 347. Eds. Paul Grout and Margaret Stevens. (VQR: B).
  11. De Fraja, Gianni and Elisabetta Iossa (2002) “Competition among universities and the emergence of the elite institution”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 54: 275-293.
  12. Iossa Elisabetta and Francesca. Stroffolini (2002) “Price Cap Regulation and Information Acquisition”, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 20 (7): 1013-1036. (VQR: A).
  13. Iossa Elisabetta (1999) “Informative Externalities and Pricing in Regulated Multiproduct Industries”, Journal of Industrial Economics, 47 (2): 195-219. (VQR: A)
  14. De Fraja, Gianni and Elisabetta Iossa (1998) “Price Caps and Output Floors: a Comparison of Simple Regulatory Rules”. Economic Journa l, 108, no.450: 1404-1421. (VQR: A)

Publications: Articles in Italian Journals

  1. Carboni C., Iossa, E. and Gianpiero Mattera, (2018) Barriers to Foreign Firms in International Procurement: A Review. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics , 45 (1): 85-107 . Special Issue on “Public Procurement: New Theoretical and Empirical Developments”. DOI: 10.1007 / s40812-017-0089-2.
  2. Iossa Elisabetta (2015) “Contract and Procurement Design for PPPs in Highways: The Road Ahead” – Journal of Industrial and Business Economics , 42 (3), 245-276.
  3. Potential and criticality of the Public-Private Partnership in Italy”, with Federico Russo, Rivista di Political Economics , (invited paper), 2009, pp. 125-158.
  4. "Risk Allocation and Incentive Structure in Public Private Partnership", 2009, In ​​"The Financing of Infrastructures in Italy, Ed: A. Macchiati, G. Napolitano, Il Mulino.
  1. “Price versus Output Regulation under Asymmetric Information on Demand”, Italian Journal of Economists, 1999, vol. IV, n.3 pp. 359-374.
  2. “Price regulation in the presence of information asymmetry on demand”, Economics and Industrial Policy , 1998, vol. 99, pp. 99-120.
  3. “Competition Ownership And Efficiency: An Empirical Analysis Of The European Airline Industry”, Journal of Financial Law and Finance , 1996, LV, 3, I, pp. 391-401.
  4. “Social well-being and type of business: a comparison between industrial configurations”. Public Economics, 1994, vol. 3.

Publications: Chapters in Books

  1. Innovation Through Innovative Partnerships, in Public Procurement Policy, in Public Procurement Policy Edited by Gustavo Piga and Tunde Tatrai. Routledge , 2016. ISBN: 978-0-138-92150-4.
  2. The Risks and Tricks in Public-Private Partnerships, with Giancarlo Spagnolo and Mercedez Vellez, “Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation”, Edited by Yossi Spiegel and Marin Peiz, Nowpublishers , 2014, 455-489. IEFE Working Paper n. 64 – December 2013.
  3. “Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships, 'with David Martimort. Piet de Vries and Etienne B. Yehoue ​​(Eds), The Routledge Companion to Public-Private Partnerships , Routledge, 2013, Chpt. 9 pp. 205-225.
  4. 'The Theory of Incentives Applied to the Transport Sector,' with David Martimort. A Handbook of Transport Economics , Edgar Elgar , Edited by André de Palma, Robin Lindsey and Emile Quinet, et Roger Vickerman, 2011.
  5. 'Public Private Partnerships and the Bundling of Project Phases'. In ' Public services. New trends in regulation, production and financing ', 2007. Edited by Massimo Marrelli, Fabio Padovano, Ilde Rizzo. FrancoAngeli Publisher , Milan.
  6. 'Procurement Contracting Strategies', with Gian Luigi Albano, Giacomo Calzolari, Federico Dini and Giancarlo Spagnolo, N. Dimitri, G. Piga and G. Spagnolo (Eds.), Handbook of Procurement, 2006, Cambridge University Press .

Completed Papers

  1. Iossa, Elisabetta Loertscherz Simon Marx Leslie M. and Patrick Rey (2021) “What to do in the face of bid rigging”, earlier version “Collusive Market Allocations” CEPR Discussion Paper 14563 Mimeo .
  2. Burguet Roberto, Iossa, E, and Giancarlo Spagnolo. Cartels and Bribes. Mimeo.
  3. Camboni, Riccardo, Corazzini, Luca, Iossa, Elisabetta, Valbonesi, Paola. Bid Preferences as Incentives for Innovation: Experimental Evidence, 2018. Mimeo .
  4. De Chiara Alessandro and Elisabetta Iossa (2018): Procurement vs Grants as Innovation Policy CEPR Discussion Paper 13664.
  5. Cottini Elena, Paolo Ghinetti, Iossa, Elisabetta and Pierluigi Sacco (2018), Stress and Incentives at Work. Revise and Resubmit, Oxford Economic Papers.
  6. 'Contracts as Threats: on a Rationale For Rewarding A while Hoping For B, with Giancarlo Spagnolo (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Stockholm School of Economics and CEPR), December 2009. SSRN CEIS Discussion Papers 147. CEPR Discussion paper January 2011, 8195 Revised 2013.
  7. Arbitration vs Court, 2008, revised 2011.


Selected invited Lectures and Keynote:

▪ Expert Panellist , OECD, Roundtable on Competition-for-the-market ; Global Forum on Competition, OECD, Paris (December 2019).

▪ Invited Session Speaker : Frontiers in Theoretical IO. XXXIV Jornadas de Economía Industrial (Madrid, September 2019), Collusion by Market Allocation .

▪ Invited Session Speaker : Public Procurement of Innovation: Rationale, Design and Impact , Universitat Autonoma di barcellong. PHD Conference, 19 June 2019.

▪ Keynote Lecture : Nordic Workshop On Industrial Organization (Norio Xi), Stockholm School of Economics 10–11 June 2019, Public Procurement of Innovation.

▪ Invited Speaker : Public Procurement of Innovation: Rationale, Design and Impact, 8th ZEW / MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting. (May, 2019 Mannheim) ▪ The role of Infrastructures. The Government of the Economy in Europe, Senate of the Republic, 20 September 2018. Organized by Democratic Party.

▪ World Bank Argentina: “Better Investment Better Services. Measuring and Evaluating Public Procurement, (Buenos Aires, June 2017). Canceled.

▪ Bank of Italy, "How the Quality of the Contracting Authority Affects Public Contracts", Workshop "Public procurement: participation in quality and efficiency" (March 2017).

▪ Keynote Lecture : Public Private Partnerships: Where Do We Stand? Icare3 Conference, in Perm, Russia (September 2015).

▪ Keynote Lecture : Procuring Innovative Projects. Workshop "Public-Private Partnerships: Design and Deliberation" in Perm, Russia (September 2015).

▪ FAO, United Nations, “Procuring Innovation” (March 2015).

▪ IFAD, United Nations, “Procuring Innovation” (January 2015).

▪ OECD, The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Public hearing at the OECD country Roundtable on Public Private Partnerships (June 2014)

▪ Invited Lecture: “Public spending on procurement as an incentive for innovation in the European Union,” Workshop on Efficiency in public spending: a focus on public-private contracts, Research and Institutions in comparison, University of Padua.

▪ European Commission, DGMRKT: “Corruption in Public Procurement”, November 2013; ▪ Keynote Lecture : Workshop on the Economics of Procurement, Södertörn University VTI, 2013 ▪ Workshop on Public Procurement and Sustainable Growth, CEPR U Padova, Venice October 2011; ▪ Public Private Partnerships, Rome May 2011;

▪ European Center for Health Assets and Architecture (ECHAA) and European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Comparative Conference on “PPP models in a time of recession: the options for decision-makers” (Berlin, November 2009);

▪ Chaire Bernard Van Ommeslaghe Conference, “Emerging Competition Issues in the Procurement of Infrastructure Services,” ECARES, Brussels (February 2009).

▪ II UBC Workshop on Public Private Partnerships, Vancouver (December 2007). ▪ European School on New Institutional Economics, ESNIE, Ajaccio 'The Economics of Public Private Partnerships' (May 2007).

▪ Keynote Lecture : Workshop on Privatization and Partnership, CMPO, University of Bristol, (November 2006). Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public economics

▪ "Public-Private Partnerships in the Provision of Public Services", Pavia, (September 2006). ' ▪ Risks and Opportunities in Public Private Partnerships', Italian Procurement Agency CONSIP, Rome (June 2006).

▪ A Conference on Public Private Partnership and Regulation in Infrastructure Services, NCAER, New Delhi (April, 2006). 

▪ International Workshop on Public Private Partnerships. Universite 'Paris 1, Sorbonne (October 2004).

Staff seminars : ATOM Center Paris I, Bath, Bari, Bicocca Milan, Bocconi Milan, Birbeck College London, Bristol University, Brunel, CRES-Paris; EIEF Ente Einaudi Rome, Essex, Exeter, Free University of Brussels, East Anglia, Helsinki School of Economics, IDEI Toulouse, IFN Stockholm, European University Institute in Florence, Harvard University, Keel, Leicester, London Metropolitan University in London, London School of Economics, Luiss in Rome, Loughborough, Luxembourg, Paris School of Economics, Royal Holloway in Surrey, School of Oriental and African Studies in London, South Bank University in London, University Federico II of Naples, Siena, Surrey University, Università Statale di Milano , Swiss Italian University, Catholic University of Milan, University of Tor Vergata; Lugano, Swiss Italian University (USI); Toulouse School of Economics, Turin, Warwick Business School, Zurich University, among others.

Honors, Grants, Fellowships. PRIN 2017 Grant 2017Y5PJ43_001 (125.348 Euro) Procuring Innovation: potential impact and rationale , Minister of higher Education (March 2020 – present), 2015-2016 "Double Chair Call" (23.000 €). Principal Investigator; Grant, University of Padua, 2013, 2014; II Best Publication CEIS Prize (1500 €), 2013; III Best Publication CEIS Prize (500 €), 2013; 1/4/2010 – 31/03/2012. "Competition, Contracts and Framework Agreements in Regulation and Public Procurement". Italian Ministry of the University and Research (€ 39,322); NUFFIELD FOUNDATION GRANT 2010-2011: “Relational Contracts in Public Procurement (£ 6500); Principal Investigator; II Best conference paper ($ 500) at II International Public Procurement Conference, Rome, 2006; 2004-2005 PRIN GRANT Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research “Regulation of Public Utilities; ESRC Economic and Social Research Council, Grant R / 000/22/3811 “Public-Private Partnerships: an Incomplete-Contract Approach” (£ 40,000), Report: “Outstanding”; 2003 PRIN GRANT Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “Regulation of Public Utilities”, 2003-04; Brunel University, grant for appointment of a research fellow (£ 20,000); Principal Investigator; ESRC New Scholar, CEPR 2000-04; 2001-2002; BRIEF AWARD, Lender liability for connected loans, Brunel University. (£ 5,000); MARIE CURIE TRAINING GRANTS for Post-doctoral research, Grant ERBFMBICT972396. (59.364 ECU) on "Regulation and Information Acquisition"; 2008; 1997 Post doctoral scholarship, University of Naples (5m Italian Lira).

Visiting Positions: Dept Economics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, ay 2017-2018; Dept Economics, Harvard, April-June 2016, EIEF Permanent visitor, Visiting Professor Toulouse Sept 2008, Toulouse; February 2007, Visiting Professor, IDEI, University of Toulouse; January 2007, Visiting Professor, ATOM Center, Sorbonne, Paris; March to July 2006 Visiting Professor, University Tor Vergata, Rome; January and February 2006, IDEI, University of Toulouse; May and June 2004, Visiting Professor, Ente Einaudi, Rome; June and September 2003, University of Bristol; April 2001 and April 2002, European University Institute, Florence; January 2001, ECARES, ULB Brussels; January 2000 and July 2000 European University Institute, Florence.

Refereeing : American Economic Review, BE Journal of Economics Analysis and Policy, Bepress, Bulletin of Economic Research, Cambridge University Press, Economic Governance, Economic Journal, Economics Bulletin, Economic Systems, European Economic Review, European Journal of Political Economy, Giornale degli Economisti , IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Information Economics and Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, Journal of Economics and Management Strategies, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Institutions and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Law and Economic Organizations, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Labor: Review o f Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Public Administration Review, Public Finance Review, Research in Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Economic Policy Journal, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Transport Economics Regulation.

Refereeing, Others: FIRB (MIUR DD n. 1249 of 21/05/2018. Swiss National Science Foundation, VQR 2004- 2012 Italian Ministry of Education and Research).

Scientific Committees, Conferences: European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Scientific Committee (2018-present); EEA 2020 program committee (2020), 4th CEPR / EBRD / Economics of Transition and Institutional Change Symposium on “The Economics of Industrial Policy” (London 2020); CRESSE associate (2018-present); 22 nd Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics, SIOE, Program Committee (Montreal 2018) Second workshop on Public Private Interaction: Design and Deliberation, HSE NRU Perm (November 2016). World Conference on Transport Research, WCTR, Conference Rio de Janairo (July 2012); Annual Conference of the European Association of Research in Industrial Economics, EARIE

(Milan, 2014, Rome, September 2012; Stockholm 2011); CEPR – ECARES – GRASP – Univ. Of Padova, Conference on Public Procurement and Sustainable Growth, Venice (October 2011); 18th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists EAERE 2011 (July 2011), Rome Tor Vergata; International Conference on Infrastructure Economics and Development, IDEI-Toulouse and the World Bank (January 2010). Theoretical and Applied Economics Program Committee for the European Meeting of the Econometric Society Meeting (Vienna 2006, Budapest 2007).

Scientific Committees, Editorial Board: Journal of Public Procurement (2018-Present) Economic Policy Review (2009-present); Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (2016-2018; 2019-2021). Advisory Board Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (2014-2017; 2017- present), Economic Policy (2012- 2014).

Scientific Committees, PHD : PHD Economics and Finance (2012- present), Phd Money and Finance U. of Rome Tor Vergata (2009-2012), Member of the Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence in Procurement (CEP), Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), Phd in Economic Theory and Institutions, U. Of Rome Tor Vergata (2006-09).

Scientific Committees University Recruitment: Catholic University (RTD-B); State University of Milan (RTD-B, 2018); University of Turin (RTD-B 2018) Bicocca University (RTD-A, 5.10.2017); University of Milan (RTD-A, 2017, President), IMT Lucca (Prof I band SECS P / 01, 2017, President) .

Executive Committee. Director, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), (2018-2021).

PHD Defense Committees : Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (Alessandro De Chiara); Norwegian School of Economics, University of Paris I (Claudine Desrieux), Toulouse School of Economics (Florien Shuett, Sanxi Li), University of Rome Tor Vergata (Lorenzo Carbonari), Université de Montpellier (Vanessa Valerio) University of Bristol (Evangelos Pafilis) .

Organizer, Conference: Study Meeting on the Transposition of Procurement and Concessions Directives (Rome, AGCM, 16 September 2015) Workshop: “Using Public Procurement to Promote an Innovative Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Rome,” (2 October 2013); First Summer School in Applied Economic Theory, Tor Vergata 18-20 Sept 2013, Rome.

PhD students: Vincenzo Mollisi (2014-2018 Obtained Research Assistantship University of Bolzano), Gianpiero Mattera (2012-2017, obtained contract at OECD); Vurain Tabvuma (2006-2010: obtained Lectureship position at Univ. Of Surrey).

  1. Expert Adviser

Technical Committee, Road National Association PIARC . 2020-present.

Product and External Services Consultant, Analysis of transparency and integrity principles in infrastructure, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) , 2020.

"Competition for the market: tackling the incumbency advantage", Expert report, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD (November 2019). OECD Papers, Global Forum on Competition. DAF / COMP / GF (2019) 10. Contract number 500085024

"Buyer Quality and Procurement Outcomes" – ASPI Autostrade per l'Italia Laboratory , Bocconi University 2017.

"Public Procurement as Demand-Side Innovation Policy: Rationale and Strategy", ccommissioned by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) in Seville. September 2015. Order number: IPTS.B154345.

Technical assistance to the Moldovan Competition Council – Market studies and Related Training and Advocacy. Sponsored by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In collaboration with Learlab.

“Anti-corruption Directive”: Answer to public consultation from MEF (Minister of Economics). April 2015

"Guidelines on the protection of public employees who report offenses (so-called whistleblower)": Answer to public consultation from MEF ANAC, (Anti-corruption Authority) March 2015.

"Contract and Procurement Design for PPPs in Highways: The Road Ahead" – ASPI Autostrade per l'Italia Laboratory, Bocconi University 2015.

"Quantifying the impacts of PCP procurement in Europe based on evidence from the ICT sector" (SMART number: 2014/0009). Contract number 30CE -06337188 / 00-35 (€ 58.949) European Commission DG Connect , 2014.

“Behavioral Responses to Privacy Visceral Notices (SHORT)”, European Commission DG-JRC Information Society Unit (IS). Contract number 153752-2013 (€ 55,065). Project Coordinator, 2013.

“Competition Issues in Public Private Partnership”, Paper prepared for Hearing on PPP at Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD . (16th June 2014). OECD, DAF / COMP / WP2 / WD (2014).

Economist, Institutional Working Group for drafting a Standardized Contract for Public Private Partnerships in Italy: Group coordinated by ANCE (National Association of Construction Companies).

"Assessment of the Potential for a PPP for Building and Operating Students' Accommodation for the Universities in Rome", Lazio Adisu , 2011.

Policy report: The Potential Benefits and Costs of Public Private Partnerships in the Transport Sector with an Application to the Turkish PPP Law, with David Martimort The World Bank , 2011.

Partner, Advanced Procurement Ltd. Research and Consultancy in public procurement . 2009-2011

Expert adviser for Center for Strategy and Evaluation Services . Project: Analysis of sectors concerned by service concessions in the framework of the impact assessment of possible EU legislation on service concessions, 2009.

Consultancy services in relation to the Inquiry into the leasing of rolling stock (ROSCOs). United Kingdom Competition Commission 2008 (CC 1025) .

Policy report: Best Practices on Contract Design in Public-Private Partnerships, with Giancarlo Spagnolo and Mercedez Vellez, The World Bank, 2007 .

Policy report: “Contract Design in Public-Private Partnerships, with Giancarlo Spagnolo and Mercedez Vellez, The World Bank, 2007 .

Policy report: “Modeling Changes to Consumer Welfare Caused by Reduced Price Transparency ', United Kingdom Financial Service Authority Occasional Paper 26 , UK, August 2007.

'Policy report: “Measuring Consumer Detriment under Conditions of Imperfect Information”, with John Hunter, Christos Ioannidis and Len Skerratt. United Kingdom Office of Fair Trading Research Paper 20, October 2001.


Qualified contracting authorities for public investments , La Voce.Info 03 03 2021 Public procurement, vendor ratings and qualification of contracting authorities, Utilitatis , https://www.utilitatis.org/ 01/04/2020.

The (large) impact of buyer competence on the cost and timing of procurement VOX.EU 31.05.2018. When incompetence does more damage than corruption , LA VOCE.Info 23.01.2018.

How to Reform Local Public Transport: London Style for Italian Buses THE VOICE.Info 03.11.2014. The Questions Never Asked About Project Financing Tenders , THE VOICE.Info 27.11.2012.

When the Antitrust Authority does not Help Growth , with Giancarlo Spagnolo. THE VOICE . Info 13.12.2011.

BLOG – Anti-Corruption Project; Integrity Project, Higher School of Public Administration (Italian School of Public Administration, SSPA ) http://blogintegrita.sspa.it/ ; http://blogintegrity.sspa.it.

Public or private: to whom are the prisons? with Gustavo Piga, THE SHEET 31.08.10.

“Smoothing the road for transport investment”. ESRC NEWSSTAND MAGAZINE BRITAIN 2010. “ Project Financing in the Italian version ,” with Cristina Giorgiantonio. THE VOICE Info, 18.11.2008.


Law and Economics (Msc of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Industrial Organization (European Economy and Business Law, University of Rome Tor Vergata) Public Procurement (Ph.D. in Economics and Finance, University of Rome Tor Vergata) Dynamic Economic Analysis (Catholic University of Milan)

Advanced Microeconomics (Brunel University, Tor Vergata),

Corruption in Public Services (Higher School of Public Administration),

The Economics of Public Private Partnerships (Msc, Tor Vergata; PhD, Toulouse School of Economics), The Theory of Institutions for Public Service Provision (PhD, Tor Vergata),

The Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation (UG, University of Naples), the Theory of Environmental Regulation (UG, University of Liege).


1993-97 Doctorate in Economics (Ph.D. in Economics), University Federico II of Naples (with distinction). Thesis: “Optimal regulatory mechanisms under asymmetric information on demand”. Supervisor: Massimo Marrelli. 4/07/1997.

1993-94 M.Sc. Economics, University of York (UK), with Merit.

1993 B.Sc. Economics, University of Naples. Final mark 110/110 Cum Laude (1st class), 17/02/1993.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/elisabetta-iossa-ecco-il-curriculum-del-nuovo-commissario-antitrust/ on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 10:14:40 +0000.