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Goodbye Milano Bella. Pills on Facebook of the next book by Lodovico Festa

Goodbye Milano Bella. Pills on Facebook of the next book by Lodovico Festa

The new "political novel" by Lodovico Festa "Addio Milano bella" (Guerini edition) will be released on January 14, an ideal sequel to the two previous volumes ("La provididenza rossa" and "La confusione morale", starring engineer Cavenaghi, former prominent member of the PCI)

Goodbye beautiful Milan. This is the title of the new novel by Lodovico Festa , published by Guerini.

It is a sort of yellow-non-yellow that intertwines the history – of the PCI, whose centenary of the foundation of Milan and Italy will be celebrated on January 21 – with the politics and news of the Lombard capital.

But the real protagonist of this book is Milan, which Festa recounts in the midst of a moment of profound change and identity crisis, amidst corruption, judicial inquiries, ideological crises in the post-PCI world. In many ways, it also tells us a lot about the Milan it is today, and what it will be.

Coming to bookstores on January 14th, the novel was also accompanied by a Facebook page. And it is here that the themes that run through the book are illustrated, day by day, with an introductory film, images and quotes.


After The Red Providence and The Moral Confusion, Engineer Cavenaghi returns with a new investigation, recalled in a post-PCI Milan, upset by judicial inquiries, rampant corruption and ideological loss.

Early nineties. A colossal theft of reserved resources upsets the Milanese PDS, heir to the PCI and increasingly in trouble.

The engineer Mario Cavenaghi, former president of the Lombard Arbiters of the PCI (who, in addition to ethical correctness, oversaw the party's strategic interests) returns from Swiss self-exile to identify the culprits. To cover this undisclosed investigation, he will have to draw up a report on Milanese public opinion. And this last task, paradoxically, will end up being the most haunting and demanding.

"In some ways it seems to relive the season in which the formidable sixteenth-century Milan loses its soul because the merchants and artisans who made it great want to become lords of some kind", comments Cavenaghi; the story that always strikes twice, the results of a war that is over and the betrayal that, as Talleyrand said, is basically a matter of timing, will give him the key to reveal who has stolen. It will be more difficult to find the answer on what Milan awaits in the future.


Lodovico Festa (Venice 1947), journalist and writer, was a manager of the PCI in the Milan area, editorial director of "Moderno", co-director of "Il Foglio" and "Finanza & Mercati". He has published historical-political, cultural and economic-social essays for Boroli, Mondadori, Ares, Scheiwiller, goWare and Guerini. He wrote two detective novels published by Sellerio, “The red providence” and “The moral confusion”, in which he introduced the figure of the president of the probiviri-investigator, engineer Mario Cavenaghi. In the first, set in Milan in the late seventies, Cavenaghi investigates within a still solid political organization. In the second, we are in 1984, the PCI reveals the signs of a decline which has now largely begun. In this third novel "Goodbye Milano Bella" the party, which has now become PDS, is in a state of disarray, the extent of which the author, a close witness of those times, reproduces.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/addio-milano-bella-pillole-su-facebook-del-prossimo-libro-di-lodovico-festa/ on Wed, 06 Jan 2021 18:45:11 +0000.