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How the center-right moves in the Quirinale match

How the center-right moves in the Quirinale match

Because Salvini's moves displace Pd and M5S. Paola Sacchi's note

In the "film" Quirinale, or the "war of position", in view of the real one in January, what happens to the leaders of the left if, suddenly, he calls you, in the guise of a de facto explorer to agree on the candidate for Colle, in the name of a vast dialogue, the leader so vilified for Papeete, sent to trial for trying to control illegal immigration?

Yesterday, from Enrico Letta to Giuseppe Conte up to Roberto Speranza, on the left side, who was calling them on the phone was Matteo Salvini. The leader of the League, according to the real numbers of the 2018 Policies, the first party of the center-right, according to the number of consents of the European and subsequent Regionals, the first Italian party.

They exorcise the Democratic Party: "Oh well, after Giorgia Meloni in Atreju also Salvini will have wanted a part in a comedy". But then someone more prudent wonders, worries and asks for light: “But isn't Salvini really going to be serious? Is it cinema or reality? ”.

A Pd and a left a little incredulous and stunned, yesterday afternoon, Monday 13 December, attended the telephone tourbillon, already publicly announced in Atreju, the FdI kermesse of Giorgia Meloni, last Friday, of the Northern League leader towards all the leaders of left, "from the largest to the smallest", to find an agreement on the Quirinale. Understanding that starts from the "League leading the center-right, on the basis of a unitary proposal of our coalition, because the Democratic Party does not have the imperishable right to choose the Head of State".

Salvini first gives a press conference, in which he returns to propose the use of the latest generation of green nuclear energy to get out of the "dark" risk of expensive bills, "which I am sure you will find in the Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani and in the same Prime Minister Mario Draghi a concrete and pragmatic attitude ".

Then, immediately start dialing the numbers of the "Quirinale agenda". First phone call to Arcore, to Silvio Berlusconi, then meeting in person with Giovanni Toti, leader of the centrists of "Cambiamo", contacts with other centrists, on the right side, such as Luigi Brugnaro and Maurizio Lupi and on the left such as Carlo Calenda, then, phone calls with Giuseppe Conte, Enrico Letta and Matteo Renzi. There is no lack of contacts, defined as "cordial, with a positive response", with Minister Roberto Speranza, head of Article 1 – Leu, and in the evening also with Nicola Fratoianni's Italian Left, up to Philipp Achammer, president of the SVP.

In short, everyone was on the agenda of the Northern League leader. From the largest to the smallest. With the aim of "enhancing the role of the League and the center-right never so heavy in view of the choice of the tenant of the Hill". But, also, "to begin that pacification process" that Salvini had spoken to Draghi himself a few months ago. A necessary path "to mend a country stressed by the pandemic". Specifically, what emerged from the numerous contacts?

The actual confrontation will start after the Maneuver. First, therefore, the budget law, "with the need to lower taxes and stop the dramatic high bills, then the Quirinale", inform sources of the League. The priority of these days, they explain, for Matteo Salvini, is to lighten the situation for families and businesses by formulating concrete proposals. But, in the meantime, the former Minister of the Interior went ahead with the work in view of Colle.

“At the moment – still inform sources of the League – the leaders have not gone into detail on the possible table, but there is the will to talk to each other and reason. In the next few hours Salvini will hear from other party leaders with fewer parliamentary representatives ”.

It is clear that the leader of the League with this move, already evidently in the path illustrated last Thursday in the meeting in Montecitorio with his deputies and then carried out in Atreju by Meloni, relaunches himself as leader of the entire coalition, after fierce competition from the president of FdI.

And Salvini certainly knows well that if the center-right for the first time has more consensus than the left for the Colle, this depends on the fact that the numbers of big voters available to the coalition have increased thanks to those representatives of the Regions for whose victory of the League was decisive.

The left, found itself displaced for the second time in a few days, tries to find an explanation that reassures it, albeit relatively. The Democratic Party actually hopes that Salvini has already downsized Berlusconi's possible candidacy, since he has already made his name publicly in Atreju.

For others, however, things would not be so. And they fear that an agreement between Berlusconi and the leader of the League would already exist before Atreju. Be that as it may, for the Democratic Party the specter of a candidacy by the blue leader or in any case another candidate who is not to his liking has not been wiped out. Now that, as Matteo Renzi himself acknowledged, the role of king maker belongs to the center-right. And Salvini himself had preceded him the night before, saying that "Renzi with his fifty parliamentarians certainly cannot be excluded from the dialogue that I intend to start with everyone, starting with a unitary proposal from the center-right, for the election of Sergio's successor Mattarella ".

Now it is in the uncontrolled pentastellato world that the Democratic Party sees the greatest risks if the center-right were to keep the bar straight on the name of Berlusconi. It is precisely from that area and its exiles as well as from the vast mixed area that the missing numbers could come to the Cav from the fourth vote.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-si-muove-il-centrodestra-nella-partita-quirinale/ on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:28:25 +0000.