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How the newspapers read Berlusconi’s retirement

How the newspapers read Berlusconi's retirement

Journey through newspaper headlines and editorials on Berlusconi's withdrawal from the race for the Quirinale. The Scratches of Damato

Not two or even a single news came out of Arcore and entrusted by Silvio Berlusconi to the senator and assistant on duty Licia Ronzulli, deserting the summit even remotely claimed by the allies. It was at least one and a half news, but maybe even two and a half, as we shall see.

The half-news, being now taken for granted after the announcement of the family newspaper , is Berlusconi's renunciation of the race to the Quirinale. Or “surrender”, as the newspapers preferred to call it in the headlines, although substantially supporters of the Riffeser Monti group: Il Giorno , il Resto del Carlino and la Nazione . A renunciation or surrender by "statesman in the interest of the country", as was underlined by the Journal, evidently sharing the optimistic estimates of the interested party on the effective availability of votes.

A whole piece of news, on which only Vittorio Sgarbi, at the end of the telephone campaign among the parliamentarians in favor of his friend, had bet by denying the openings attributed to a visit by Gianni Letta to Palazzo Chigi last week, is the political spite at least, if not even personal, made by Berlusconi to Mario Draghi for excess of esteem, appreciation and so on for his role as prime minister. Which the interested party would therefore do well to cover again, at least until the ordinary end of the legislature, in 2023, also renouncing the candidacy for the Quirinale foreshadowed with that sort of parable of the " grandfather at the disposal of the institutions " told in the press conference on January 22 . A parable that Berlusconi, already involved in his own way in the race for the Quirinale, must have interpreted as a challenge to him, who therefore has now reciprocated it. And of “challenge”, in fact, wrote the editor of the Giornale Augusto Minzolini in his editorial.

It is said in Rome that two newspapers so politically opposed but converging against Draghi dedicated their headlines to this challenge for suspected “ringworm”: Marco Travaglio's Il Fatto Quotidiano , on a blue background, and Libero by Alessandro Sallusti on a red background. Even Libero in his fury against the Prime Minister took off. Travaglio, on the other hand, was content to see him poised on the banana peel just launched with perfidy by Berlusconi on the quirinalizio course. However, it must be said that with a certain unusual prudence Travaglio did not represent Draghi on the ground, evidently aware or fearful that there is still room for his candidacy, although supported more or less clearly – he wrote in the title – by "2 Letta" , uncle Enrico and nephew Gianni, “Giorgetti and Toti”, forgetting who knows why Giorgia Meloni. Instead, from inside the center-right ornai smashed by Berlusconi – and this can well be seen as the second whole piece of news produced by the renunciation or surrender of the Knight – it immediately dissociated itself from spite, tripping and so on to Draghi. That she is ready to have her parliamentarians vote in the hope that the political situation will then evolve towards early elections.

"Buio sul Colle", rightly titled Avvenire , the newspaper of the Italian bishops, foreseeing at least a long series of votes in Montecitorio from tomorrow afternoon, waiting for a broad or narrow agreement that is between the parties, snipers permitting . But the concerns of Avvenire are not shared by the Giornale , where Minzolini recalled that the "weighted average" of the presidential elections is "11 ballots", in which "no one has ever died". In 1992, however, the mafia wanted to participate in its own way in the parliamentary delays for the succession of Francesco Cossiga with the Capaci massacre, which cost the life of Giovanni Falcone, his wife and almost the entire escort. This was followed by the "emergency" election of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, still fresh from his arrival at the presidency of the Chamber.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-i-giornali-leggono-il-ritiro-di-berlusconi/ on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:34:36 +0000.