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I’ll tell you about the hyper-Renzism of the Reformist

I'll tell you about the hyper-Renzism of the Reformist

Aims, ambitions and perhaps exaggerations of Matteo Renzi with his new reformist. Damato's Scratches

Under that "open face" with which Matteo Renzi wanted to write his first editorial of the newspaper entrusted to him by the publisher Alfredo Romeo – Neapolitan like the president emeritus of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano, then I'll tell you why – there is a decalogue of the reformist, at the tiny, which reminded me of the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling always kept by Indro Montanelli in the drawers of his desk, sometimes even on top for better inspiration. It's called If , the English if, and it lists the conditions under which someone who reads it can be considered a man, “my son”, concludes the author.


Even Renzi's reformist – to paraphrase Kipling a bit – will be able to feel such if he knows how, among other things, to "dream without making dreams his master, if he knows how to think without making thought his goal, if he can deal with Triumph and Ruin and treat these two imposters equally, if he can bear to hear the truths he spoke twisted by scoundrels to dupe the fools…

Surely Renzi will be able to surprise even in his journalistic adventure, which is consequential to the political adventure. Already he must have surprised the publisher by retouching the masthead to better adapt it to himself with that crooked red r instead of the black and straight one of the origins: an r more like Renzi, in fact, printed underneath with a lot of name and title. But I wouldn't want Romeo to do like his already mentioned compatriot Napolitano along the way. Who at the Quirinale, while appreciating the constitutional reform launched by Renzi at the helm of the government, put his hands in his hair, which he didn't have, witnessing the very personal – or personalistic, as you prefer – management of the referendum campaign that resulted in its rejection. To which contributed personalities that could not be more different from each other: from Silvio Berlusconi on the right, or in the center, as you prefer, to Massimo D'Alema on the left. However – this too must be recognized – they had already found themselves converging at the time of one of the many bicameral commissions on constitutional reforms.


Renzi is a man of great turning points and scrapping counter-turns. The still stunned – I think – Giuseppe Conte knows something about it, helped by him in 2019 to escape the bath of early elections, pursued by the then Northern League government ally Matteo – he too – Salvini, but already pushed the following year towards the crisis that would have made him lose Palazzo Chigi to Mario Draghi. Try to keep up with him, on the road to surprises, and in the management of the so-called third pole, his former minister, ambassador and I don't know what else Carlo Calenda. But I fear, for the latter, with little chance of really equaling, or even surpassing him, especially now that Renzi with his Riformista , and with that R bent towards his name, will be able to get people talking even more about himself. And to leave the others in suspense following him on a trajectory whose beginning is always known, never the end.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/il-riformista-renzismo/ on Sat, 06 May 2023 05:59:42 +0000.