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I’ll tell you about the wonderful US anti-Russia tissue paper on Ukraine

I'll tell you about the wonderful US anti-Russia tissue paper on Ukraine

According to the US, there is a Russian plan to create fake video documentation that justifies the invasion of Ukraine. Italics by Teo Dalavecuras

Don't worry Michele Serra. I have a certain awareness of my limitations and I would never allow myself to plagiarize his, unmissable, weekly column of the Espresso, which in addition to being the funniest is not necessarily the least reliable content of the Roman weekly. The fact is that while I was reading one of the many breaking news of the NYT (as the insiders confidentially call The New York Times), the association of ideas with Serra's "preventive satire" took place by itself.

Once upon a time, breaking news carried news of tsunamis and earthquakes or devastating terrorist attacks, the sudden death of celebrities in their prime or the awakening of a volcano in Iceland or the Pacific, so to speak. Today the NYT alone circulates dozens of them a day: it is inevitable that the criterion is a little less selective, lots of news but not necessarily breaking: now the heading "breaking news" corresponds more or less to those headings of news / gossip that forty years ago, without too much imagination, they were called "indiscreet", "reserved" or similar. We have also made a reason for this indisputable progress.

The story that at one point made me think of Serra's preventive satire tells, openly attributing it to anonymous "senior officials" of the US administration, of a Russian plan to create the false video documentation of a non-existent violation of Russian territory or of aggression against the Russian-speaking minority, such as to justify accusations of "genocide" of the aforementioned minority and to offer the pretext for Russian armed intervention on Ukrainian territory.

But the tone of the music is given by the details, and the text of the revelations of details is generous because, like all bureaucratic scripts, it does not resist the “didactic” temptation. The plan, which is explained in the one that has the unmistakable scent of "tissue", provides for the literal staging to perfection and video shooting of the performance of clashes with the dead and wounded, with actors and special effects. The unprepared reader might also wonder why, having come into possession of this alarming news, the competent US services did not move to thwart the plan or at least catch the enemy red-handed, rather than make it public. But the drafters of the tissue paper, astutely foreseeing the question, put their hands forward and explain that by making public the design hatched by the Russians, the authorities of the States "hope" to screw up the plan.

After that is a whole series of unsolicited explanations: of the fact that the US services choose not to exhibit "direct evidence" (implying that they have it) to keep their sources and methods secret; of the fact that in any case the disinformation systematically implemented by the Russians makes the American revelations credible (this last argument recalls the legendary joke of King Faruk, who when he declared a poker did not show the cards simply saying "king's word", letting it be understood that the other players at the table were not sovereign and therefore did not deserve the same credit: Faruk, as a king of other times, knew good manners and some things he only let them understand). Finally, after having specified that the perpetrators of the plot had also thought of making sure that in the video intended to give substance to the provocation, the weapons appeared of Ukrainian or NATO origin and had identified the actors destined to play the part of the Russian speakers in tears for the killing of their compatriots (diabolical, these Russians!) adds that "it is not clear" whether the plan had been authorized by high-level officials, but that it was nevertheless in an advanced, credible and very worrying stage.

Mind you, I do not doubt at all the ability of the Russians to engineer similar provocations nor that of the Americans to do the same: propaganda, of which provocation is not a secondary component, is an indispensable ingredient of power and in a certain time meaning of life, and Americans have every right and even duty to use it as they see fit. However, from our allies, who are also, and by far, the greatest world power in economic, technological, military and media terms, I would have expected (too naively, I admit) something better, less pedestrian.

After all, the one just mentioned is only a small example of the mockery that we Europeans deserve widely, as we deserve the damage of the surge in energy costs , which we suffer without a word, or worse by making it a pretext for internal political wars. These damages are not only a consequence of the Ukrainian crisis but also, as is well known, the fruit of the far-sighted energy supply policy promoted in Brussels, based on short-term supply contracts.

Joys and sorrows of what Michel Onfray calls the Maastricht empire. Even if we see less and less joys, but it is better not to say so in order not to pass for Eurosceptic sovereignists.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-la-stupenda-velina-usa-anti-russia-sullucraina/ on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 08:29:58 +0000.