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In Greece the conservative Mitsotakis wins but in Italy the conservative newspapers do not notice it

In Greece the conservative Mitsotakis wins but in Italy the conservative newspapers do not notice it

The conservative wind continues to blow in Europe with Mitsotakis' victory in Greece, but in Italy the center-right newspapers almost hide the news… I Graffi di Damato

The smaller Putin's head shrinks, not only in Emilio Giannelli's cartoon in the Corriere della Sera , inspired by the failed coup d'état in Moscow, it is still not clear at what precise price, the stronger the conservative wind blows in Europe, from North to South. Europe's political and military support for the Ukraine attacked by the Russians, or post-Soviets, has contributed at least to weakening the head of the Kremlin who even set himself up as the heir of Peter the Great.


From the Greek elections repeated in a month by his choice, and challenging the left of Alexis Tsipras which dropped to a miserable 17 percent, the conservative premier Kiriakos Mitsokatis came out with more than 40 percent of the votes and an absolute majority of parliamentary seats. Which allows him to form a one-color government of his New Democracy.

Curiously, in Italy the news was not ignored only by the front page of the Fatto Quotidiano , where unwelcome or unhelpful events to the political world of the 5 Stars are hidden, but also by a variety of publications to which a success by the conservatives should instead cause some satisfaction. I am referring, in particular, to the Giornale , now only partly owned by the Berlusconi family, to Libero , to Verità and to the National Quotidiano of the Monti Riffeser group, where Il Giorno , la Nazione and Il Resto del Carlino converge in strictly alphabetical order.


La Stampa of Turin, which in the editorial group of the nephew of the late Gianni Agnelli tries to be the most sophisticated with respect to Repubblica and the Secolo XIX , as well as ignoring the news, given instead by the sisters or brothers, did something more: it wanted spoil, let's say, the satisfaction of the Italian premier Giorgia Meloni for the victory of her Greek counterpart Mitsotakis by contesting the alleged downgrading suffered by Joe Biden in the United States. That he may have also done her the courtesy of assigning a new ambassador to Rome who was enthusiastic about her in the account of Italy given to the competent commission of the Congress, but she was skipped or forgotten in the telephone consultations of these days on the situation in Russia. “It's nothing new: Italy – Alessandro De Angelis wrote arrogantly in his comment on the front page – doesn't have a great specific weight at an international level. And not from today. Even the quarter of an hour of fame lived with Mario Draghi was due more to his personal standing than to a newfound protagonism. There's not much you can do: in a non-polar world you count if you represent something in terms of problems to be solved”.

Meloni's Italy, on the other hand, "hesitantly" and "is not seen", even if the premier is convinced of the opposite. Indeed, she believes she is giving her best at an international level, being forced internally to bite a bullet, or to manage some annoying affair such as the media and judicial affair of her friend, party colleague and Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/grecia-vittoria-mitsotakis-giornali-italia/ on Mon, 26 Jun 2023 05:05:06 +0000.