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Leonardo, all the next challenges of the Electronics division

Leonardo, all the next challenges of the Electronics division

What emerged from the meeting with the management of the Electronics Division of the Leonardo group and the national secretariats of Fim, Fiom and Uilm. All the details in the note from the Fim Cisl

The national coordination of Fim-Fiom-Uilm and the management of the Leonardo Electronics Division met yesterday in Rome, at the headquarters of Unindustria Rome, in order to carry out the annual information required by the National Collective Labor Agreement.

All the details.


Today the Division has an employment dimension of over 14,000 resources located in the 24 sites between insistent in Italy, UK and USA, globally generating a business worth over 4 billion euros through over 500 products of which 60% is destined for foreign and non-foreign markets. domestic. In the 5 domains, Land, Space, Sea, Under water, Air, today it records over 1200 orders from 240 different customers operating both in the continental and worldwide dimension. The Orders and EBITAS expected for 2022, compared to the final figures of 2021, see constant growth while there is a substantial breakeven on revenues deriving from the increase in raw materials and costs related to energy, as well as external factors related to supply chain / suppliers.


The objectives declared and present in the agreement signed last July are confirmed and divided into the individual domains:

  • Air Domain: Maintain the leadership position in the air domain on combat air (Typhon and Tempest), consolidate the international role as a provider of ISR / ISTAR solutions for manned / unmanned platforms, consolidate the positioning in the communications sector, navigation and identification through technologies SDR and CMP;
  • Land Domain: Expanding the presence in the homeland security & defences solutions, exploiting the demand for innovative solutions for soldiers and vehicles with portable devices and network solutions, consolidating the current positioning as a supplier of systems for integrated air missile and space defense through the supply of Radar Systems;
  • Naval Domain: become a leader in the (non-US) radar market, develop new capabilities and alliances in combat management systems, consolidate its position as a reference provider of interoperability systems;
  • Space Domain: to become a leader in hyperspectral, electro-optical instruments, power amplifiers and attidude sensors and high energy laser transmitters, as well as starting a positioning in the in-orbit servicing market through the supply of integrated robotic solutions and optical sensor suites.


In order to achieve these ambitious goals, over 1400 initiatives are underway for the development of new products and advanced research technologies, which make use of the collaboration of 18 technological districts in order to create an ecosystem of territorial excellence (collaborations with companies and numerous research centers) aimed at favoring the creation of a technologically advanced induced.


Practical expressions of these collaborations are the projects relating to the Innovation Labs and Fab Labs under development at Campi Bisenzio which will have to represent the model on which to develop new and necessary skills in each territory that are today particularly difficult to find in the job market. Precisely on the lack of skills and on the data that certifies the division to have 1/3 of employees over the age of 55, we underlined how it is inevitable and unavoidable to create a multi-year plan aimed at a mix change that allows, planning and exploiting the opportunities also of a legislative nature present in Italy today, to transfer the skills, currently in the hands of senior staff, through a gradual and controlled process in which the generational exchange becomes the fulcrum of a necessary non-traumatic step change.

The workloads in all the plants of the Division are in line with the available with some peaks that are being managed through a recruitment / stabilization campaign which as of August 31st amounted to 348 resources to which 45 from Aerostructures must be added for a total balance of +393 employees.


The training provided at 31 July 2022 amounted to 131,046 hours with over 21,334 participants in the courses carried out, investing an average percentage of 84% of the employees of the entire division.


Finally, the discussion continued in the analysis of the progress of the Optimization and Growth Plan of the Division covered by the agreement of July 2022.


The "Santa Palomba" Project was released, the implementation of which envisages the start of the transfer of materials starting from December 2022 and the movement of personnel to the Hub (about 30 people) starting from February 2023. In addition, the Company has confirmed that the Co-Working space on the site itself is also under construction in line with the commitments undertaken during the agreement phase. The first moves from Pomezia to Latina are expected by December 2022 (A2MC), the design of the areas to be built for the transfer by September 2023 of the M&SC resources is underway, and by December 2022 the feasibility study for the new plant to be built in Latina starting from 2024. The footprints of the Tiburtina 12,400 site are being defined, in order to identify and create the stations necessary for the transfer of personnel destined for the site, transfers that will begin in November 2022 giving priority to Lob EEC staff and Electronic Division staff.

By October 2022 the Cyber ​​(90) and Telespazio (100) resources present today will be moved from the Tiburtina 1020 site, in order to free up the spaces necessary for the reconfiguration of the layout necessary to accommodate the staff of Lob CSS in Pomezia at the site. , personnel that will be transferred starting from November 2022 with gradual steps until December 2024. Furthermore, the plan for duplicating assets present in the Carsoli plant has been launched, the layout of the laboratories to be built in Tiburtina necessary to accommodate the staff has been defined of the Abruzzo site.


By the beginning of November, the necessary activities on the Fusaro site will be completed, aimed at redeveloping and building the areas that will have to accommodate the workers, now operating in Giugliano, of the M&SC and Engineering functions. The completion of these activities makes it possible to foresee the movement of the first resources (about 122) towards Fusaro between October and November 2022. The duplication of the production lines currently present in Giugliano is in progress at the Fusaro site, and only when such lines will be created and the transfer of the personnel related to them will begin. The construction times will be confirmed according to the delivery times of the systems by the supplier companies.


Defined with LGS and Aerostructures the areas suitable for creating the footprint that is being designed and should be completed by October 2022. The construction of suitable spaces necessary for the transfer of personnel should be completed by November 2023 to then allow the movement of the resources starting from December 2023. Liguria: The design of the identified areas should be completed by March 2023 necessary for the subsequent phase of construction of the classified areas which should be completed by May 2023. If these times are reflected, the transfers of personnel should take place at starting June 2023.


The movement of personnel to the site of the Helicopter Division is being assessed as it is necessary to be aware of the necessary timing and to repair the damage caused in the summer by a climatic phenomenon that damaged the roof of the structure.


As Fim Cisl at the end of the illustration on the Timeline presented we reiterated that all the sites involved in the plan will be at the center of our attention through a punctual and rigorous management aimed at making the Plan operational, but it will be essential, at the territorial / plant level, carry out further investigations aimed at analyzing the development of advances as well as rigorous monitoring of planned investments in infrastructures and products.

Likewise, involvement in relation to the commitments signed regarding the reindustrialisation of the Giugliano site and those relating to the protection of workers present in the direct induced activities will be equally essential. It remains our belief that the plan for the Electronics Division is strategic and represents an important opportunity to be seized, and therefore this challenge, if it is to be won, can only be the result of shared work also aimed at evaluating, carefully and with the right sensitivity to every aspect, also of a social nature, that the implementation of the plan entails on the workers concerned.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/leonardo-tutte-le-prossime-sfide-della-divisione-elettronica/ on Thu, 15 Sep 2022 09:35:03 +0000.