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Leonardo, here are the requests from the unions for the renewal of the supplement

Leonardo, here are the requests from the unions for the renewal of the supplement

The platform for the renewal of the Leonardo group supplement for the period 2023-2025 was unanimously approved by the national coordination Fim, Fiom and Uilm. All the details

Requests for wage increases but also the strengthening of industrial relations, corporate welfare and continuous training but also an evaluation of the reduction of the working week.

These are the cornerstones of the Platform for the renewal of the Leonardo Second Level Contract approved unanimously by the national coordination of Fim , Fiom and Uilm in the presence of the National Secretariats and the General Secretaries of Fim and Uilm Roberto Benaglia, Rocco Palombella and the Fiom National Secretary Barbara Tibaldi.

The renewal of the supplement affects more than 30,000 workers of the Leonardo group in Italy.

Now the process and discussion will begin in the assemblies with the workers in all of Leonardo's Italian sites, to discuss the points of the platform and arrive at a final approval. Following the approval, the platform will be sent to Leonardo in order to start negotiations quickly.

All the details.


In reconfirming the existing PdR scheme, the unions ask for an increase in the current theoretical values ​​of the PdR present in the Divisions/Companies equal to € 1,500 when fully operational during the validity of the supplement, and a further increase in the additional quota envisaged for supervised workers in category B3 of € 150 when fully operational during the validity of the supplement.

For workers classified in category A1, the revision of the current regulation concerning the Target bonus is requested and the consolidation of the salary quotas exceeding the shared PDR scheme plus the Target bonus percentage, such as for example those concerning the MBO.

It also requires the consolidation of shares of the PdR in the Divisions/Companies, which can allow for full application of the tax benefits of the current maximum ceiling of €3,000, when fully operational during the validity of the supplement. Also requested is an increase in the "collective superminimum" item of €70 in category C3, fully operational during the validity of the supplement, re-parameterized with the current scale applied, the first tranche of which must be the most significant portion. The non-absorption of the economic increases envisaged by the CCNL is requested during the validity of the supplement.


With regard to the enhancement of industrial relations, the unions urged the increase of active participation, also at the division/site level, in respect of the roles between the Parties, defining it "not only a request but an indispensable necessity to be confirmed with the following priority: Identify higher forms of participation, additional to those already agreed, providing for the presence as auditors with the right to speak in the Leonardo Board of Directors and in the Shareholders' Meeting of a member of the national trade union organization Fim, Fiom and Uilm".

During the meetings of the strategic observatory it is necessary to inform the National Secretariats on the prospects for the investments and the choices that Leonardo intends to make with respect to the minority interests/subsidiaries.

On the part of the company, the commitment is requested to communicate periodically during the year the new hires to the trade union representatives of Fim, Fiom and Uilm.

In addition, the implementation of the trade union bulletin board is requested, and the definition of the digital and IT tools that allow the trade unions to be able to exercise the trade union rights provided for by Law 300 and by the trade union agreements on the matter.


Confirming the 3 levels of negotiation and information present in the last supplementary, it is requested to add the following chapters to those present today: harmonization and homogenization processes of any different treatments within the various divisions, definition of the general criteria for using the bulletin board electronic trade union and digital and IT tools and national commission for drafting the text of the supplementary Leonardo Group.


Among the various requests in the field of continuous training, the following stand out: the creation of a training booklet for all employees where this has not yet been done and the certification of the skills acquired, the allocation of intranet accounts and prepare solutions that guarantee access to the portals, even for workers, to allow everyone to use the training courses from the portal and Job Postings even remotely, print the pay slip and enter requests for holidays or leave into the system and to other activities that can be carried out through the portal. This must also take place through the establishment of authorized fixed workstations within the sites.

It is required that the sum of the annual number of hours envisaged for the subjective right to training can be accumulated over the three-year period and can also be used for a single training event by the individual worker. Furthermore, a further increase in the paid leave available is required, as well as to ensure attendance at courses and exam sessions, also to carry out support study activities.


Provision of scholarships for male and female workers with agreed criteria. The trade unions are calling for the establishment of company-funded scholarships, to encourage the educational paths of employees' first-degree family members, and forms of support for the purchase of school/university textbooks.


In terms of health, the establishment of an additional policy to that provided for by the National Collective Labor Agreement is requested, which supplements what is not covered by the Metasalute Fund. The company is asked to take charge of guaranteeing an interface with the supplementary health fund for metalworkers Metasalute.


Subsequently, the trade unions ask to increase the economic quota of Welfare envisaged in the CCNL equal to 200 euros, bringing it to 350 euros, however bound to the possible tax exemption defined at the legislative level from time to time in force during the integration. We ask for the significant implementation of the welfare portal currently present, expanding the offer envisaged in order to make it more widely used by workers.


At the same time, an increase in the COMETA contribution quota payable by the company is required from 2% to 3% for all Leonardo workers, guaranteeing equal contributions, paid by the company, for the period of optional abstention in relation to the law on maternity/paternity.


We ask that minimum social welfare services payable by all male and female workers be agreed, given the maintenance of those currently in place and applied until new agreements are reached. Identify financial support for all Leonardo workers who have to look after disabled or non self-sufficient family members. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of guaranteeing full expression in the role of parenthood over the first 3 years of the children's life, favoring pilot projects aimed at creating company nursery schools.


We are asking for an additional paid day to be paid by the company compared to those already present today, with reference to the chapter on leave for illness/disability of the child, parental leave and the extension for assistance to parents affected by illness. We ask, in compliance with the 64 annual hours envisaged, that they can be combined over the three-year period of validity of the agreement, the elimination of the hourly deductible for services in the province and outside the province, and for medical examination permits, that travel to and from the place of work have as a reference the time of the appointment for the medical examination, going beyond the supporting documents of the medical facilities which very often are not released by the bodies themselves. The recognition of an additional 24 hours of PAR is required for Workers who have a non-remoteable activity. It is required to give a mandate to the RSU, through site negotiation, and with the assistance of the territorial secretariats, to define any remodulations and reductions in working hours.


We ask you to evaluate innovative tools, in line with other national and international competitors, aimed at reducing the working week. The possibility of converting part of the PDR into permits and/or hourly reductions is requested.


Finally, with reference to the agreement signed in the previous supplement, we ask for the verification and improvement of smart working, such as for example the maximum extension of the days, through site-level comparison with the RSUs, in terms of days per month , for those homogeneous areas that the experimentation both in the period of pandemic emergency and during the validity of the previous supplementary has made feasible.

Recognition of a meal voucher is requested from staff who work remotely.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/leonardo-accordo-rinnovo-integrativo/ on Tue, 28 Feb 2023 15:54:28 +0000.