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Renzi and Calenda pamper Meloni-style institutional reforms

Renzi and Calenda pamper Meloni-style institutional reforms

Facts, impressions and comments on Giorgia Meloni's meetings with the opposition parties on institutional reforms. Damato's Scratches

It must have been "uphill", as Corriere della Sera called it, titling Massimo Franco's editorial, for "Schlein's wall" about which Repubblica preferred to shout, perhaps summarizing the position taken by the secretary of the Pd a little too much in his first meeting with the Prime Minister, but the departure of the government towards the promised constitutional reform has taken place.

“I listen, but I go on,” said Giorgia Meloni herself, at the end of the first round of meetings with the opposition. Not even Repubblica was able to ignore these words under the opening title dedicated to, I repeat, Schlein's wall. Which considers other priorities of the country, however including among these a reform of the electoral law destined to cross in some way that of the Constitution, even though an ordinary and non-constitutional law could suffice. However, the secretary of the Democratic Party will not be able to escape the confrontation in the parliamentary halls when the government matures and advances its proposals. About which one thing can already be said from now on: the oppositions will not be united.


Openings to the government have already arrived from the so-called third pole, up to the point of procuring the accusation of wanting to act as a "shoulder". Premiership or presidentialism that will be , German Chancellorship or whatever, a reform will sooner or later come to the fore of Parliament in a legislature that has burned, if we really want to use this negative term, only eight of the 70 months at its disposal, equivalent to the five-year term of the mandate conferred by voters on senators and deputies on 25 September last.

A fact that no polemical headline in today's newspaper will be able to erase, not even the "false start" shouted by Secolo XIX , by the same editorial group of Repubblica and della Stampa , where, moreover, the former director Marcello Sorgi wrote that "the premier is now more alone”; a fact, I said, that no polemical or reductive title will be able to deny or cancel is the decision with which Meloni really wanted to dictate her agenda. And this even at the cost of necessarily downsizing the figure of the titular minister, so to speak, of the subject of reforms. Which is the former president of the Senate and failed president of the Republic Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, front row force supporter in the very recent convention at which Silvio Berlusconi showed himself in a shirt and jacket in the 21-minute television message recorded in the room of the Milanese hospital where 'is hospitalized, although in much better condition than on arrival.

Several times, despite the representation made of her as a "Ducia" by Giuliano Ferrara in the Foglio , Meloni had seen her agenda dictated by unexpected events earlier yesterday, such as the tragedy of Cutro to mention the most sensational.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/renzi-calenda-riforme-meloni/ on Wed, 10 May 2023 05:33:10 +0000.