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Stefania Craxi on the Foreign Affairs commission scraps the Grillo-Conte era

Stefania Craxi on the Foreign Affairs commission scraps the Grillo-Conte era

How it was born and what does the election of Stefania Craxi as president of the Senate Foreign Affairs Commission mean? Italics by Francesco Damato

Devil of a man, Silvio Berlusconi managed to score a nice goal in the Senate, even if he was not part of it, just on the day when his center-right and above all his party – Forza Italia – were in canvas pants, and rightly so, above all the front pages of newspapers for political and even personal conflicts.

On this very day, for the higher divisions of Rivaleto in the other camp, the so-called center-left or "large field", as the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, prefers to call it, the center- right managed to bring the vice president of the previous edition: Stefania Craxi. Which had 12 votes by secret ballot against the 9 of the 5Stelle candidate, and former leader of the Palazzo Madama group, Ettore Licheri.

With astute indifference to the circumstances that led her to the presidency, while the unsuccessful president of the MoVement indulged in declarations of protest and defiance to Prime Minister Mario Draghi, now supported – according to him – by two different majorities, including should decide to choose one, Stefania Craxi accepted the election proposing and proposing the unity that should always mark the management of the foreign policy of a democratic and important country, especially in a very difficult moment like this: with a war in progress in Europe , against Ukraine, unexpectedly opened by Putin's Russia. In favor of which the five-star president of the previous Foreign Commission, Vito Rosario Petrocelli, had expressed himself and casually voted in the hall of Palazzo Madama, literally putting it in crisis. And aggravating it with resistance in his place even after his disavowal and expulsion from his party. Which is even represented in the government by the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio.

Stefania Craxi can well be considered a daughter of art in politics: daughter of that Bettino Craxi who during his stay at Palazzo Chigi, between 1983 and 1987, really showed the best way to be and operate with dignity and coherence in a political and military alliance.

Craxi was the man of Sigonella, where one night in 1985 by his order in the American base of Sigonella the Italian armed forces prohibited the marines from removing national powers, kidnapping them, perpetrators and responsible for the terrorist hijacking of the Achille Lauro ship in the Mediterranean: a kidnapping, the one in Sigonella, where an Egyptian plane had landed, personally claimed on the phone with the Prime Minister by the American President Ronald Reagan, after a useless protest mission by the US ambassador to Palazzo Chigi.

With the same political energy Craxi had been the leader of the majority and then the head of the Italian government who had had the missiles installed in Comiso, Sicily, to neutralize the advantage gained against NATO by the Soviets with their SS20s aimed at the West from the foundations of the Warsaw Pact. From that challenge, the Soviet Union would have emerged defeated, even crashed, without needing any of those missiles to be fired.

Preceded by an experience as undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the center-right in the government, Stefania Craxi will be able to honor the memory of her father even in the new, more prestigious institutional position. Time does not pass uselessly, no matter how many wrongs it may also do or allow to do.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/la-vittoria-di-stefania-craxi-rottama-lera-grillo-conte/ on Wed, 18 May 2022 13:38:26 +0000.