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Tax, here is the news for employees and self-employed

Tax, here is the news for employees and self-employed

The flat tax for overtime and the quotas of productivity bonuses that exceed the threshold of the current lump sums and for thirteenth month salaries emerge in the fiscal delegation. But there is no trace of the incremental Flat Tax for employees. All the details

On the tax front, the government takes a step back and one step forward.

In the fiscal delegation, the flat tax for overtime and the quotas of productivity bonuses that exceed the threshold of the current lump sums and for thirteenth month salaries makes its way. But in the government amendments filed yesterday in the Finance Committee in the Chamber, where the delegation began its parliamentary journey, there is no trace of the incremental Flat Tax for employees. This is the summary of Il Sole 24 Ore .

Here are in detail the latest tax news that are coming from the Meloni government for Italians.


Employees will be able to enjoy a tax break on bonuses and productivity bonuses, but for them the prospect of the flat tax introduced by the government is receding. In fact, the Government set aside the idea of ​​a flat tax on income increases of employees. The hypothesis was contemplated in the original text of the delegation for the tax reform, but an amendment presented yesterday by the Government in the Finance Commission excludes it for the moment. Instead, a substitute taxation of personal income tax and surtaxes for thirteenth month salaries, productivity bonuses and overtime beyond a certain threshold that has yet to be established, such as the level of the rate that will be applied, is confirmed.


An important novelty is looming for self-employed workers, with the farewell to the maxi advances for November, remarked the Corriere della sera . The rapporteur of the delegation bill, Alberto Gusmeroli (Lega), presented an amendment which provides for the installment of both the advance and the Irpef balance. «Enough – says the speaker – with taxes paid in advance. All taxes can be paid in installments. Among the amendments presented yesterday by the Government and the rapporteur, eleven, there is also one that would allow companies to detax the costs of new hires, through the super-depreciation mechanism. The executive's proposals also include the adoption of the "Global minimum tax" for companies, which according to Confindustria should be 15% for those who keep profits in the company, and a rule that provides for greater involvement of the Guardia di Finanza in controls aimed at repressing illegal gambling.


"When we talk about incremental income for employees, there are bonuses, overtime and productivity bonuses, so we focused our attention on this," explained the Deputy Economy Minister, Maurizio Leo.


“Too many unknowns about the costs and effectiveness of the mechanism have prompted the Ministry of the Economy to focus on a more traditional mechanism, which looks at the extraordinary components of remuneration. The incremental Flat Tax remains for VAT numbers, for which «an overall assessment is announced, for prospective purposes»”, highlighted Il Sole 24 Ore .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/fisco-lavoratori-dipendenti-autonomi-cosa-cambia/ on Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:18:54 +0000.