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Tax in action: flurry of tax bills coming

Tax in action: flurry of tax bills coming

From Thursday 15 October, about 9 million tax bills will be left. Daniele Capezzone's comment for the newspaper La Verità

But what have businesses, VAT numbers, self-employed workers done wrong to this government? Since the Giallorossi took office, there has been one blow after another.

The first blow came with the old budget law, the first conceived by the Pd and M5S, which took steps to dismantle the most positive legacy, in economic matters, inherited from the previous government. It will be remembered that the yellow-green government, by the will of the League, had implemented the flat tax at 15% up to 65 thousand euros, and had already approved its extension to 100 thousand euros for the following year: mind you, this second tranche was already law for the following year, financed and stamped. What did the Giallorossi do, just arrived at the helm of the Mef? They put back the stakes to hinder the first measure (flat tax up to 65 thousand, forcing many to give it up), and canceled the second step. Among other things, all this happened before the Covid emergency, so the Count bis doesn't even have this excuse to justify his choice.

After that, the Coronavirus arrived, with the decision of an extremely prolonged lockdown. Without prejudice to the inconvenience for all citizens, from an economic point of view Italy has been divided in two: for pensioners and public employees nothing has changed, while for entrepreneurs and the self-employed it has been a bloodbath. Nonetheless, the government was extremely stingy with them: out of the total of 100 billion allocated from March onwards, only 6 were assigned as non-repayable contributions to companies, and with a bizarre and downward formula (just 20, or 15 or 10% of the difference between April 2020 and April 2019 revenues).

Worse still: having 100 billion available, that is an immense figure, deducted the necessary for other interventions (health expenses, layoffs, etc.), it was possible to imagine a mega tax cut. Even using only a fifth of that amount, there was room to further extend the flat tax to 15% to include 70 or 80% of taxpayers. Obviously, the government has done none of this.

Incidentally, this anti-corporate attitude is also harmful to their employees. In fact, it seems inevitable that, as soon as this is possible (between the end of November and the end of December), a wave of layoffs will also start in companies that will somehow get by, while other jobs will jump due to the closure of companies. And hardly anyone seems to worry about the impact on the state accounts as well: each fired person is entitled to Naspi for 2 years, the cost of which (for example projected on 1 million people) is about 1.3 billion per month, that is the equivalent of a maneuver, on an annual basis. Moral: the government did not understand that keeping businesses alive would not only be fair in itself, but would also allow the state to avoid spending any more money.

And now – drum roll – comes the final coup de grace. From Thursday 15, the collection of tax bills is back in business, with about 9 million leaving bills. In recent months the government had temporarily stopped the investigation and collection activities, but the stop expires on October 15, and the executive said no to the repeated requests of the opposition to extend this deadline (after rejecting any other proposal, to starting from the idea of ​​the fiscal white year).

A little sugar to sweeten the pill also came from the head of the Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini: “It is clear that the recovery will not be immediate, so from 15 October we will not have full mailboxes. It will be a gradual recovery that over the months will dilute and clear up the arrears, but at the same time will resume ordinary activities ".

It is useless to go around it: it will be a real coup de grace for many taxpayers.

(Extract from an article published in the newspaper La Verità)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/fisco-in-azione-raffica-di-cartelle-esattoriali-in-arrivo/ on Wed, 14 Oct 2020 10:16:30 +0000.