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The cyber security of Italy? A disaster. Word of the government

The cyber security of Italy? A disaster. Word of the government

What Franco Gabrielli, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for the Secret Services, said in Parliament on cyber security

Italy's cyber security? A disaster. Word of the government.

"I am deeply worried because, as Minister Colao said in a very clear and clear way , the vast majority of the cybernetic structure of this country from the public point of view is extremely critical".

These are the words of Franco Gabrielli, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for the Secret Services , pronounced during the hearing before the Constitutional Affairs and Transport Commissions, where he intervened as delegated authority for the security of the Republic.


The hearing was scheduled as part of the examination of the bill converting the decree-law of June 14, 2021 n. 82, “Urgent provisions on Cybersecurity, definition of the national Cybersecurity architecture and establishment of the National Cybersecurity Agency”.


The choice of resorting to an emergency decree is motivated by the need for the country to equip itself “as soon as possible with a structure that must be built with highly compressed timing. We are working on some amendments – he added, as Corcom reports – which have as their object the definition of security not only cyber but also of a national agency that has cyber resilience as its goal ”.


"The state of the art in Italy is quite critical, we are arriving a little late on the subject – added Gabrielli – if we consider that in Germany the cybersecurity agency saw its origins in 1991 and today has about 1,200 people ", While" France has an agency that has been operational since 2009 and has over 1,000 employees ".


"The Agency is not opposed to anything or anyone, it is simply a choice – which I believe to be absolutely pertinent – that the Government has made and that the Prime Minister has very strongly wanted – explains the Undersecretary – to give our country a structure that it was in a position to adequately and primarily perform a function in terms of cyber resilience ".


Then Gabrielli gave his vision of the context in which the new agency and the national strategy on cybersecurity are inserted as outlined by the decree: "There is a need to place this matter in the field of national security but at the same time to make it profoundly distinct from the activity of the intelligence sector – explains the undersecretary – The action of the Agency must be completely distinguished and divided the action of both the so-called Cyber ​​Investigation, which is attributed to the Police Forces, and the Cyber ​​Defense, in which our Armed Forces, the military world, plays an important function, and last but not least, the fundamental role that intelligence, and therefore intelligence agencies, will have to play ”.


On the suspect there is also a cumbersome bureaucracy, procedures too slow for a subject that is constantly evolving, commented Formiche : "This is demonstrated by the story of the" Cyber ​​perimeter ", the system of control centers of technological equipment introduced by Conte-bis government which, two years later, has not yet seen the light. So much so that, the undersecretary recalled, to date "not only is it not operational, but the engineers who had to start working there have not yet been hired". "We can no longer afford to waste time on an issue that may not travel at the speed of light but cannot travel at the times we are used to", added the former head of Civil Protection ".


"The situation of the sector with reference to the issue of cybersecurity was absolutely critical – he added – A hypertrophic mechanism had been created at the head of the Dis that completely upset the 124 and the spirit of the 124. And it had produced and was producing huge fibrillations inside of the sector ". For similar reasons, a fuss was born around the introduction in the budget maneuver in December of the Italian Institute of Cybersecurity (IIC), a public-private foundation designed by the Conte-bis government to manage the funds of the Next generation Eu.

Ditched at the last by the same majority, it had aroused strong criticism also within the sector, explained Gabrielli according to Formiche in the hearing: the two agencies, Aisi and Aise, feared that behind the foundation of Conte there was a third structure hidden in the within the sector with its own competences and prerogatives. Hence the need, indeed the urgency, to take cyber-security and "cyber-resilience" outside intelligence, or rather the dialogue between the institutional world and companies in the sector, to leave the "operations cyber ”, because“ sometimes the attack can be the best way to guarantee defense ”, and the“ Cyber-investigation ”, ie the persecution of cyber crimes, at the Interior Ministry and Justice.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/la-sicurezza-cibernetica-dellitalia-un-disastro-parola-del-governo/ on Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:21:26 +0000.