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The government’s fiscal move

The government's fiscal move

What the government will and will not do with fiscal delegation. Guiglia's notebook

The composition with creditors arrives, but we are still far from the day when Italian taxpayers, who belong to the most harassed country in Europe, will be able to say "how nice it is to pay taxes", as stated by a former Minister of Economy, Tommaso Padoa -Schioppa. Immediately harassed – he too -, but by ferocious criticism.


The misunderstood meant to say that citizens should rejoice at the idea of ​​participating, with part of their earned money, in the maintenance of social and common goods: schools, healthcare, transport services, security and everything that should make us remember that " we are the State."

Since, however, much of what is public functions poorly despite the resources squeezed from a part of Italians, particularly from the middle class (about and just 5 million taxpayers bear 60 percent of the taxes), here is the idea that the minority of paying people are also expected to celebrate for themselves and for everyone, and in exchange for sometimes fifth world services, cannot yet be of great popularity.


But the Council of Ministers could take a first, timid step with the green light for the legislative decree that implements the fiscal delegation for the biennial preventive agreement. With membership by July 2024.

A small move, in reality, which however at least goes in the right direction of no longer tolerating gray areas or bureaucratic misunderstandings, allowing taxpayers with a VAT number who perhaps do not fall within the expected indices or who find themselves in difficulty, to reach an agreement in advance and for 2 years on your income with the Revenue. The increased income is estimated at 760 million.


While waiting for the new fiscal dawn of a State that requires the right from its people for good administration, the government should not be satisfied with the minimum, the forthcoming preventive agreement, but rather aim for the unattainable maximum: seriously attacking tax evasion, which it is the well-identified tax metastasis (at least 110 billion per year), but so far fought with very harsh, beautiful, but impotent words.

For years now, government maneuvers have been forced to deal without the evading innkeeper. Yet, every time politicians swear that the illegal and immoral share of stolen resources, therefore borne by the usual victims of Italy, will be discovered and prosecuted.

But in the end the numbers never add up for "unfaithful" taxpayers.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona and Il Giornale di Vicenza)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/delega-fiscale-governo/ on Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:26:56 +0000.