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The more Putinians talk, the more Draghi gets stronger

The more Putinians talk, the more Draghi gets stronger

The indirect effects of Medvedev's putinate according to Francesco Damato

Excuse me but between "Russian interference" and "Russian blackmail" shouted, respectively, by Repubblica and the Press on their front pages, in an editorial unit found after the various evaluations on the third electoral pole by Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, I find the reaction of the main Italian newspapers to the usual Dmitri Medvedev is a bit too ungenerous. That from Moscow, pretending to speak to all Europeans but in reality thinking only or above all of the Italians, if only because they are closer than all to the polls, he urged them to vote against their "idiotic" governments and the like. So idiots, in the case of the one still chaired in Italy by Mario Draghi, to have participated in the sanctions against Russia for the aggression against Ukraine and to provide that Nazi vehicle that would be Zelensky military aid not exactly wasted, like all the others , given that the war did not at all end in time and with the effects planned in Moscow.

All or almost furious then in Italy for the outstretched leg or the rapacious tongue of this Medvedev with whom only the cartoonist of Il Foglio , Makkox, wanted to joke a little, attributing to him the words "you who can" vote, unlike the Russians who only to define war in Ukraine they end up in jail. We can not, remained in the throat of the unwary. That in my small, indeed very small, like a grain of sand, I would like to thank for the unwitting help that each of his sortie provides to Draghi. Although he does not have a party of his own and did not stand as a candidate in the elections on 25 September, he is a protagonist, if not the protagonist of the electoral campaign.

The Ministry of the Interior, as widely expected, especially after the note of Palazzo Chigi opposed to its presentation due to lack of the consent of the interested party, and therefore of the required transparency, has included among the 13 rejected the one hundred and more symbols deposited for the elections that of the "Italians with Dragons" for a "renaissance" of the country.

At the same time, however, the leader of the third pole Calenda, flanked by former military ministers Mariastella Gelmini and Mara Carfagna, declared in a press conference: “Our goal is clear and simple: One. go ahead with the Draghi agenda. Two: go ahead with the Draghi method: that of common sense and good governance. And the ability to say yes and no clearly. And possibly to have Draghi as Prime Minister ”also in the new legislature, however obvious her electoral victory and the consequent arrival of Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi as the first woman in the history of Italy may seem obvious to the center-right. Or how much effort the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta makes to imagine himself as Prime Minister again, with the help of Draghi himself, after the bad experience of 2014, when the newly elected secretary of his party Matteo Renzi told him to " stay calm ”as he prepared to undermine him at the head of the government.

The best thing a man like Medvedev could do for Draghi, and someone like Putin behind him, is exactly what they are doing with their usual diligence: shoot at him, luckily only words and not missiles. Thanks a lot, dear comrades of an almost rediscovered Soviet Union, which you have already served in other garments, or uniforms.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/piu-parlano-i-putiniani-piu-si-rafforza-draghi/ on Fri, 19 Aug 2022 05:01:17 +0000.