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What does the third pole of Calenda propose on work and pensions

What does the third pole of Calenda propose on work and pensions

The Action and Italia Viva program on work and pensions analyzed by Giuliano Cazzola

I swear I have scrolled several times on the PC the 68 pages of the program of the Third Pole, presented and published yesterday. But I could not find anything that reminded me of the usual old story that has haunted me for decades in the field of pensions, with a particular acceleration since 2012 when the Fornero reform came into force. Speaking of this overflowing obsession in the public debate and in the electoral programs of all parties, I found only these references in the text of the alliance between Calenda and Renzi.

  1. the treatment at the pension level is worse than that of the employee;
  2. Incentive program for the activation of complementary pension plans for the under 35, with a more favorable tax regime in order to allow a higher contribution amount.

As far as the first point is concerned, this is an observation, which is partly questionable; the second, on the other hand, contains an acceptable proposal, in line with the tax regimes envisaged in other countries. I feel entitled to think that according to this political formation the reform of the pensions of the compulsory system, at least, is not a priority. But I could also dare more: to believe that, according to the Third Pole, the dangerous game in which the country has engaged in recent years (not just the yellow-green government) must be stopped at the expense of the sustainability of the system and equity. towards future generations.

In the programs of the other parties and coalitions, even when one does not travel – as in the unitary and distinct texts of the center-right ones – the path of the lost steps of the minimum payments raised to a thousand euros per month, there is ample display – with greater or lesser caution – both to the flexibility in leaving, starting from an age of “ young elderly '' and to the so-called guarantee pension for young people, without realizing – in this case – the ridicule to which one is exposed, with the pretense of ensuring young people a protection for when they are old as if it were impossible for them to get a normal pension by working.

The chapter dedicated to work also escapes the dramatic narratives – to which we are used to – of a hostile labor market to young people condemned to a precarious life. First of all, particular attention should be paid to independent work, while employment promotion policies are usually aimed at employees. Then there is a strong emphasis on the difficulty of companies in finding adequate labor, so much so as to provide for the strengthening of training policies and to compensate companies for the costs incurred in establishing relationships with ITS and training institutions for the purpose of promoting skills. for new hires.

Focusing on the mismatch between supply and demand of work is an innovative choice in addressing a problem that, when it goes well, is ignored or underestimated by the trade unions who instead insist on defending jobs that are now overwhelmed together with their companies. As for precariousness, it is contrasted – according to the program – through '' regulated flexibility '', a concept that recalls the thought and work of Marco Biagi. Without precise indications, a “ cleaning '' of certain spurious contractual relationships (which was the line of the jobs act) is recommended.

The dignity decree is criticized, which ended up opposing regular flexible work without being able to combat abuses. As for undeclared work, the abolition of vouchers is criticized, which constituted one of the objectives pursued fiercely by the CGIL.

The proposals for the correction of citizenship income (RdC) also aim to further finalize the institution in the promotion of work, through shorter duration and revocation times. In particular, we take note of what emerged from the analysis of the experiences, from which it appears that the beneficiaries are not employed except to a minimum extent for the simple reason that they are not employable due to limits in the baggage of schooling and skills and working practices. For these reasons, greater commitment is recommended in the training of beneficiaries of subsidies, the involvement of private employment agencies and, in the event of failure to access work, the passage of interested parties to the services of local authorities for public utility works is accelerated. .

Then there is a general discourse of simplification of the rules and bureaucratic formalities as well as of the useless and formal forms of litigation in order to attract investments, particularly foreign ones.

It should be borne in mind that controls, prohibitions and sanctions tend to multiply in the programs of the left. While in the programs of the center-right the entry of foreign capital is considered with suspicion to the point of indicating the restoration of forms of protectionism.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/pensioni-terzo-polo/ on Fri, 19 Aug 2022 05:14:45 +0000.