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The pains of Meloni and Letta

The pains of Meloni and Letta

The tribulations of Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi and the decline of the Democratic Party. Damato's Scratches

Although still fresh from encouraging smiles and blessings from the Pope, Giorgia Meloni got into trouble with the deal of tax reductions on petrol, first reduced and then eliminated, underestimating, at least, the effects of an operation carried out even with the usual, best intentions in the world. In order not to subtract resources – he claims – from other social interventions.


Those electoral "lies" may be exaggerated, reproaching them with a blunt title from the Republic , but frankly that agenda set out by Meloni in person with the written promise to clarify things does not seem adequate as an answer, if I have not read wrong. She is the prime minister, or the male prime minister as she prefers to be called, and no longer a teenager who opens her diary, or something similar, in front of the mirror to express laudable intentions. It would have been better, in my humble opinion, to improvise a press conference, given the seriousness of the problem and its social and political repercussions, and to explain his reasons to the institutional level that he so tenaciously pursued and finally conquered.


Having written all this about Meloni, however allow me to add a certain surprise in seeing the secretary Enrico Letta so hilariously satisfied in certain photos in the newspapers for the continuation of the so-called congressional path of his party: congressional and "constituent", he added, thus challenging all those – and there are many, especially from the DC, like him – who contest that adjective, 15 years after the founding of the Democratic Party.


The 7 days added to the already long congressional process, moving the primaries for the election of the new secretary from 19 to 26 February, will certainly not produce greater clarification between candidates, souls, currents and so on. Or to better protect the congress from the fallout from the regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio which will take place in exactly one month.


Nor is it the case to brag too much about the astuteness with which it was possible to reject "without rifts" the proposal of the imitators, pursuers and so on of the grillini to make the Democratic Party a kind of copy of the 5 Star Movement by digitizing the primaries, that is, the congress. Online voting will be, thank God for a party which Enrico Letta still considers his own, not the rule but a reserved exception, with all the modalities to be fixed, for the disabled, the sick, the elderly, off-site students, etc.

But the mere idea of ​​the online primaries born within the Democratic Party after all that has been seen and said in the same Democratic Party of grillino style and content, gives the measure of the crisis in which the Nazarene party finds itself, already surpassed by the 5 Star Movement in the polls, usually preferring the original to the imitation. Stefano Folli is right to write today in Repubblica , on the front page, about the "non-existent left and its decline".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-pene-parallele-di-meloni-e-letta/ on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:41:03 +0000.