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What does the Brunetta-Orlando circular foresee on agile work

What does the Brunetta-Orlando circular foresee on agile work

Agile work: all the details on the circular signed on February 5 by the ministers for the public administration, Brunetta (Forza Italia), and for Labor, Orlando (Pd)

A circular was signed on February 5 by the ministers for public administration, Renato Brunetta (Forza Italia), and for labor, Andrea Orlando (Pd), to sensitize public administrations and private employers to fully use the flexibility tools that the sector disciplines already allow for the use of smart working.

Here's what it predicts.

"The worsening of the infections has re-proposed the need to use every useful tool to reduce the possibility of the spread of the virus, including agile work", explains the circular, adding that Smart Working (or agile work) "has never been interrupted" . In public work, "one of the main characteristics of the regulations in force today is flexibility", with which "each administration is free to organize its own activity, keeping the services to users unchanged".

Basically, "each administration can schedule agile work with a weekly, monthly or multi-monthly staff rotation with ample flexibility, also modulating it, as necessary at this particular moment, on the basis of the trend of the infections". This option is made possible by the fact that "the prevalence of face-to-face work can also be achieved in the average of multi-month programming".

For example, if a Public Administration foresees 10 days a month in remote work, it is possible to concentrate even 15 or 20 days out of the office in the first months and recover the presence in the second part of the period. The same autonomy concerns the definition of the number of employees who can be placed in Smart Working , which each PA must identify by dealing with the trade unions. An audience that obviously excludes doctors, nurses, teachers, police and security forces, and which in fact can include about 400 thousand people: 12-13% of public employees.

According to the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, there are two objectives of the Brunetta-Orlando circular: “To sensitize employers on the use of Smart Working, which for the private sector is« recommended »in the« maximum use »possible. And illustrate the possibilities offered by the current rules in the PA, not very clear to everyone as shown by the political and media debate of these days ".

In terms of Smart Working, the differences between the private and public world today are two, added Il Sole 24 Ore : the obligation of individual agreement, which in companies is suspended until March 31, and the constraint of "prevalence" , for which the Pa must program a rotation among the employees with an alternation between distance and presence that gives more weight to the latter.

Hence the "criterion of 49%", indicated by the Public Function in a press release at the beginning of the week, the economic-financial newspaper commented: "It is not the percentage of employees to whom Smart Working is guaranteed, because with archiving of the old rules there are no longer minimum or maximum quotas of workers to be operated remotely. The parameter indicates the ceiling of the days in agile work in the programming period. However, and here is the key data, it can develop over several months ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/che-cosa-prevede-la-circolare-brunetta-orlando-sul-lavoro-agile/ on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 09:38:39 +0000.