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What has the government decided on dances, nightlife and masks

What has the government decided on dances, nightlife and masks

Stop at the discos and the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors from 18 to 6 in places at risk of crowding. Details on the order of Minister Speranza and in-depth analysis

New anti Covid move: the government bans dances and provides nightlife only with masks.

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, yesterday signed the order to stop the "dance activities" both in discos, both on the beach, both outdoors and indoors, from today 17 August to 7 September.

The ordinance also provides for the obligation to wear a mask from 6 to 6 in the morning, even outdoors in places at risk of gatherings.

The decision comes after a Sunday summit with the ministers of the Regions and Economic Development, Francesco Boccia and Stefano Patuanelli, and the governors of the Regions and especially after the increase in infections in recent days.

“We cannot – claimed Speranza – frustrate the sacrifices made in the past months. Our priority must be to reopen schools in complete safety in September ”.

Here is the order for the suspension of activities “that take place in ballrooms, discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors”; and, it is added, “exceptions with regional ordinances are not allowed”.


The provision will also introduce the obligation, from 18 to 6 in the mask even outdoors, in the spaces pertaining to the premises and places open to the public and in public spaces (streets, squares, etc.) which by characteristics favor gatherings.


In addition to Boccia and Speranza, Patuanelli was also present at the meeting with the governors. "The expected damage from the closure of the discos – explained the Minister of Economic Development – is big but I do not see alternatives, more attention is needed to avoid returning to the March data". However, Patuanelli announced that "everything possible will be done to give economic support to the businesses that will have losses, finding specific refreshment posts also in August".


Protests came from Silb Fipe-the Italian Association of Dance and Show Entertainment Enterprises: “the disco – said the president Maurizio Pasca – is a great scapegoat. We don't feel responsible. ' We will observe in the coming months if the 'contagion' stops when the clubs are closed! We will observe it carefully. And we will act accordingly ”. An appeal to the TAR is not excluded.


Some governors have raised objections to the ordinance proposed by Speranza. Massimiliano Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia) has made a proposal for mediation: open discos, but with the obligation to wear a mask on the track. It did not pass and Fedriga criticized "the contradictions of an ordinance that is difficult to apply, which hits hard a specific sector without having statistical evidence of a correlation between dancing and Coronavirus cases". Giovanni Toti (Liguria) pointed out that "dance clubs with bars and restaurants will be able to continue to carry out these activities, serve meals and prepare drinks".



Right to stop dancing in discos? "I think it was amazing to reopen them," says Pasquale Di Molfetta, for all Linus, in Repubblica . Did they have to stay closed from the start? "How could anyone think of opening them with spacing? It's like a wine shop that doesn't have wine, a nonsense, drunk thing. And one who has lived there in discos says so. Having let the Regions decide on the basis of the contagion index seems to me another nonsense: what did the statistics have to do with it? Tourists also go to those places. This new closure is annoying and hypocritical also in terms of timing, since it was taken just after mid-August ».

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-ha-deciso-il-governo-su-discoteche-e-mascherine/ on Mon, 17 Aug 2020 05:05:25 +0000.