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What will France do on the Green pass

What will France do on the Green pass

Green pass in France. Enrico Martial's point

The law that provided for the Green Pass in France, adopted by parliament on 25 July last, would have expired on 15 November: the government of Jean Castex proposed on 13 October the extension of the terms until 31 July 2022. The text will be examined in 'National Assembly next October 19th.

A document of the Scientific Health Council of 5 October had deemed it possible to lighten anti-Covid health protection measures in two possible scenarios, the first by November 15, and the second by the end of the year, even with the overcoming of the use of the green pass.

The rule under discussion, through the delegation to the government, would allow it to be reactivated after its removal, with a decree, in the event of a sudden resumption of the epidemic. The long duration of the delegation, until 31 July next year, is to be related to the national political situation: we are six months from the presidential elections, which must be followed by those of the National Assembly, in a phase in which parliamentary decisions of this type they would be complicated.

The data in France are quite reassuring, although some areas are under observation due to the liveliness of some clusters. Since last Monday, 68 departments have been in the white zone, i.e. with an incidence of less than 50 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants: their schools have entered the first level of security and elementary school pupils no longer have to wear masks in the classroom. It should also be noted that the green pass is verified more frequently than in Italy, for example at the entrance to restaurants and bars both outdoors and indoors.

The green pass is also applied in France to nursing homes and health-care buildings (excluding emergencies and in any case without limiting access to treatment), long-distance and inter-regional transport (train, bus, plane), for participation in fairs and salons, in professional seminars, in shopping centers of more than 20 thousand square meters (but with a decision at the department level, and in any case only with incidence of cases exceeding 200 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants and down from at least one week).

From 30 August the pass has been extended to the staff of these commercial, professional, training spaces or in any case in relation to the public, as well as to the people who work there professionally for services or events: therefore only to them, and is therefore not required to all workers. Since 30 September, the green pass has also been made mandatory for minors between the ages of 12 and two months and 17 years.

Political reactions to the legislative proposal are in some cases heated: Gérard Larcher, president of the Senate (local representatives elected indirectly, with a right-wing majority and different from that in the National Assembly) has already said that he will oppose. Criticism also came in President Macron's République en Marche, as for the deputy Hugues Renson, elected in the Paris constituency.

On Saturday 9 October there were still 45,000 No-Pass protesters in France, a gradual decline from 237,000 on 7 August, to 121,000 on 11 September. As of 10 October, 66.8% of French people received two doses (69.4% in Italy) and 75% received at least one dose (76% in Italy).

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/francia-green-pass/ on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 07:04:11 +0000.