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Who and how wants to revolutionize family doctors

Who and how wants to revolutionize family doctors

The reform of territorial assistance envisaged by the NRP also passes through the new role of family doctors. Here is what the norm under study by the Ministry of Health hypothesizes

The work of family doctors will no longer be what it used to be. From freelancers, regulated by an agreement with the National Health Service (NHS), to “para-subordinates”.

Here is what the law being studied by the Ministry of Health provides, which could be inserted as an amendment in the Pnrr 2 decree.


For the Ministry of Health and the Regions, in order for family doctors to integrate with thereform of territorial assistance envisaged by the NRP – from which the Community Houses will be born – it is necessary to review their role.


The law under study by the Ministry provides for the introduction of a timetable for family doctors of 38 hours per week, of which 20 to be dedicated to their studies as a freelance professional and 18 to be carried out in community homes as a public employee .


The vice president of Lombardy and deputy coordinator of the Health Commission of the Regions, Letizia Moratti, stated in an interview with Class Cnbc that she had "worked with the government, with the professional associations and the most representative trade unions to arrive at a text that must be binding for the next national collective agreement ".

Moratti, reports Quotidiano Sanità , explained that the text should provide for the possibility for the Regions – always in compliance with the status of freelance practitioners of general practitioners – to have, in a regime of para-subordination, "a certain number of hours to be able to direct them to community houses and areas that are lacking ".


This reform, recalls Quotidiano Sanità , “will need a legislative passage to modify the Balduzzi Law and probably also 502/92. The idea is to include the reform in a law next July. Once the measure has been passed, it will then be the task of the Sector Committee to draw up the new Guidance Act to formally open negotiations ".


The family doctors who, as stated in the article, "feel they have escaped addiction but that underneath are badly digesting the para subordination for half of their weekly work and is the proof of it." veiled criticisms of the Community Houses model ”.

Without considering the problems already highlighted several times by the growing lack of general practitioners who, between retirement and brain drain , are now an endangered species.


"An unfortunate choice" defined it in the manifesto by Ivan Cavicchi, professor at the Tor Vergata University of Rome and expert in health policies, according to which the reform "cuts the doctor in two without thinking that by doing so it cuts the citizen and the patient, treatment, the idea of ​​assistance, relations between patient and doctor, etc. ", as well as taking a further step" towards the privatization of territorial assistance ".

The proposal to divide family doctors in two, according to Cavicchi, is a “Christian Democratic” choice to put everyone in agreement, ie Regions and trade unions, forgetting the “centrality of the citizen”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/chi-e-come-vuole-rivoluzionare-i-medici-di-famiglia/ on Wed, 01 Jun 2022 08:21:52 +0000.