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Who are the real Draghi fans

Who are the real Draghi fans

Draghi's ambitions, support in Italy and supporters in Europe. Damato's point published by the newspaper Libero

Macron – Emmanuel, president of the French cousins ​​- expected for his second speech at the Sorbonne on Europe, after the one in 2017 which led him in two years to sponsor the arrival of the German Ursula von der Leyen at the summit of the Brussels Commission, this time it was full of attention, consideration, and everything else for us Italians. He cited his famously esteemed personal friend Mario Draghi for his studies on "competitiveness" in and of Europe, but also his predecessor at Palazzo Chigi Enrico Letta, also in charge of studies on the Union in Brussels, and even the good soul of Antonio Gramsci. Of which he shared the division between the famous "optimism of the will", which pushes him to want a stronger, more solid, more intimately strategic Europe also in defense, and the equally famous "pessimism of reason". Which makes him foresee or fear a "deadly" Europe, which "may die", or become "more fragile", if it does not decide to make a move: one perhaps prevented also or above all by France at other times. A move like the "radical reform" recently proposed by Draghi offering a preview of his summer report on the aforementioned competitiveness, of which he was also considered a specialist by the outgoing president – and I don't know how truly returning – of the Commission.

Ursula von der Leyen
Mrs. Ursula was re-proposed by the European People's Party, her own, in a less than very solid framework. As the Christian Democratic branch of that party once used, nominating one candidate in the current race at Palazzo Chigi but keeping another in reserve hidden, who in the end overtook him with external help, that is, pushed by some of the allies.

Even in politics everything moves, transforms diabolically and even repeats itself, as Arnaldo Forlani said at the 1973 DC congress in his farewell speech from his first secretariat, which began in 1969, to make way for the now former current leader and putative father Amintore Fanfani. Who, having returned to the top of the party after his abandonment in 1958, replaced by Aldo Moro in 1959, would then lead the DC to crash in the 1974 referendum on divorce, popping like a cork from the champagne in a famous cartoon by Giorgio Forattini.


In addition to Macron, if he really intends to conquer Brussels as he tried with misfortune more than two years ago with the Quirinale, Draghi could count – but always behind the scenes, with the said and the unsaid, with the allusion and illusion of some particularly confident – ​​right on the Quirinale. Where a President of the Republic like Sergio Mattarella sits, and will remain for another five years. Who more than three years ago sent him to Palazzo Chigi to remove, almost with a tow truck, a Giuseppe Conte who had barricaded himself there, delaying the opening of the crisis dug under his feet by Matteo Renzi in the majority, and no later than a few days ago he also relaunched the theme of a necessary, unavoidable reform of the Union: a reform – he said – that is "incisive and courageous". Two adjectives, these, which to an old and mischievous political reporter like me reminded the "more incisive and courageous" center-left devised and offered to the socialists in 1968 by the very dorotei Mariano Rumor to succeed Aldo Moro, his father's friend, at Palazzo Chigi of Mattarella, Bernardo. Who was also minister in one of the first governments with the socialists with a majority strictly "delimited" within the borders to the left with the communist party.

Blessed memory, which does not abandon me and always makes me go back over the years. But let's go back to today and tomorrow. Yes, to the tomorrow that everyone is working on, some in front and some behind the scenes. Or who is more in front or more behind the scenes. Which in any case will have to rise up after the June elections, in the European Parliament that will emerge from them, with presumably new balances of power between parties and their respective groups at a continental level. And there the game will be all to be played and we will see who will or will have had more thread to spin, as the good Giuseppe Saragat said in his time in Italy between one complaint and another about the lack of generosity of the voters towards his social democratic party .

We will see in the new European Parliament whether and how the underground economy will manage to emerge, or will sink further. And if the People's Party, possibly maintaining its primacy, will manage to impose the reservation of the presidency of the Brussels Commission just claimed in an interview by the Italian vice president of that party, and also vice president of the Council of Ministers in Italy, Antonio Tajani. That he doesn't feel like a candidate – he specified under the ceilings of Montecitorio – but he could also find himself being one without his knowledge, or almost so. Christopher Columbus also discovered America without his knowledge, believing he had already reached the Indies.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-ambizioni-appoggi/ on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:56:44 +0000.