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Who cuddles and who doesn’t cuddle Luigi Bisignani

Who cuddles and who doesn't cuddle Luigi Bisignani

Luigi Bisignani in great media dust, after having written another book with Paolo Madron. But what profession does Bisignani carry out? And why does the Trento Festival organized by Sole 24 Ore host it? Facts, answers and curiosities

For years, of Luigi Bisignani (in the photo with Paolo Madron) the newspapers had in hand only a rather old and very low resolution photo, in which a frame of glasses from the 70s could just be distinguished. In the last period, however, his figure is in great dust: he has begun (and has never stopped) to frequent television lounges as well as those of intellectuals where he is often consulted as an oracle, the one and only holder of all truths of the country. In Urbano Cairo's La7 he recently commented on the legal case involving Massimo D'Alema, for Il Tempo he has just finished outlining the portrait of the deceased Cavaliere (for the Angelucci newspaper – since the direction of Franco Bechis, now director of Open founded by Enrico Mentana – Bisignani writes articles full of poisons mixed with rumors that the newspaper publishes in the form of letters).


His recent participation in the Trento Festival organized by the Sole 24 Ore Group and, therefore, by Confindustria, aroused more than a few surprises. Presented as a journalist (he has been banned for some time, as we will see) “Luigi Bisignani has worked for various newspapers. He wrote for Rusconi The seal of the purple and Our Lady of the Kgb. For Chiarelettere: The Director (2014) and with Paolo Madron The man who whispers to the powerful (2013)”.

And in Trento he presented his latest book, also written with Paolo Madron (it is no coincidence that Tag43 , an online magazine born from the offshoot of the unfortunate Lettera43, which returned online a few days ago, both directed by Madron, dedicated ample space to it ), The powerful at the time of Giorgia , published by Chiarelettere.

It has surprised many insiders that a man, defined on several occasions by the media as a "fixer" or "lobbyist", whose exact profession no one knows exactly, is hosted by the Confindustria event and is quoted – as has happened in the past months – in an article in the Sole 24 Ore on the Tim dossier for a letter to Tempo . Recently Bisignani was also a guest of the virtual living room War Room (transmission edited by InConTra, cultural association of Enrico Cisnetto – journalist and consultant for the communication of companies and managers – and of the entrepreneur Iole Sacchi Cisnetto) edited by the journalist and essayist Alessandro Barbano, journalist , essayist and well-known guarantor, so much so that in presenting Bisignani he says: "He was at the center of some investigations which as a habit of Italian criminal action ended in a flop", obtaining in response the embarrassed correction of his own guest : “Half a flop,” Bisignani muttered as he was introduced.


Yes, because not all investigations have resulted in the proverbial soap bubble. And that's why it's wrong to keep presenting him as a journalist. In 1993 he was accused of violating the law on public financing of parties. The trial on the Enimont maxi-bribe arrives in Cassation in 1998 and Bisignani is sentenced to two years and eight months in prison. Because of the conviction, in 2002 he was disbarred from the order of journalists.

On 25 November 2011, Bisignani had also negotiated a one-year and 7-month prison sentence with prosecutors Henry John Woodcock and Francesco Curcio, initiators of the investigation into the alleged secret P4 association that would have stolen confidential information to exert pressure on entrepreneurs and politicians . On November 29, 2012, the sixth section of the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal , making that sentence final.

It is no longer online due perhaps to some internal catch on the site, but the Bar Council also had to specify that Luigi Bisignani must no longer be called a journalist, having been disbarred. Yet most of those who host him, not knowing what job title to attach to him, ignore it and continue to present him as a journalist.

The newspaper Domani also recently joked about it: “No one has ever understood “Bisi” well what his job is. Even his publisher, Chiarelettere, had difficulty defining him for advertising campaigns: "I'm a writer," he replies. Actually you can't put it in brochures, but Bisignani is above all a business broker". In short, what kind of job he does is another of Italy's many mysteries to which only Bisignani seems to be able to answer.

Yet Bisignani and Madron almost complain about the censorship being exercised on them. “Mediaset has canceled two hosted by Luigi Bisignani, author together with Paolo Madron of the book on the secrets of Melon's power. Is it because he reveals the details of the pact between the prime minister and Marina Berlusconi? Or because it tells the disturbing rise of Silvio's fake wife? Certainly the Cav would never have taken such a decision”, wrote the resurrected Lettera43 , a newspaper founded and directed by Madron, which after 13 years in Berlusconi's Mondadori (he was also deputy director of Panorama and director of Panorama Economy ), in the last days he tweeted indignantly: "How toxic is this intersection between politics and business, Forza Italia and Mediaset, between the state and the party-company". Indignation certainly also shared by Bisignani, of course. Or not?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/chi-coccola-e-chi-non-coccola-luigi-bisignani/ on Sun, 25 Jun 2023 05:54:00 +0000.