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Why are newspapers and politicians fighting over that curfew hour?

Why are newspapers and politicians fighting over that curfew hour?

What a waste of adjectives, nouns, indignation and so on about the hour of discord, reading the titles, comments and accounts of the last session of the Council of Ministers. The Scratches of Damato

Mamma mia, what a waste of adjectives, nouns, indignation and anything else on the hour of discord, or on discord for an hour more or less, reading titles, comments and reports of the last session of the Council of Ministers, moreover very short. Where the representatives of the League abstained – not voted against, but simply abstained – on the choice confirmed by President Mario Draghi to prudently leave the so-called pandemic curfew at 10 pm, without moving it yet to 11 pm.

“Strappo” shouted the Corriere della Sera against Matteo Salvini. “The trial by fire”, the poster fired. “Sabotage”, Il Foglio shouted, almost ordering the firing squad to proceed, as is done in war with saboteurs. "High tension", the Berlusconi family newspaper printed in red, commenting, in unison out of tune with the Fatto Quotidiano , that "this cannot continue". “Salvini challenges Draghi”, titled Il Secolo XIX, omitting to mention in the title, as they preferred to do to the Republic , by the same Turin publisher, “the double no” opposed to him by the Prime Minister without particular and much less ruinous consequences. In fact, the League has cashed in without even "getting out of the majority a bit", as the Riformista ironically put in brackets in the headline on the front page.

The "tear" shouted by the Corriere , to which the prudent Stefano Folli preferred "a disagreement" on Repubblica, is the term – just think – with which the late Armando Cossutta defined, scandalized by his point of view, what he would have accomplished in the last century the PCI secretary Enrico Berlinguer declaring on television "the propulsive thrust of the October communist revolution exhausted". What could be mistaken for "tear": only to exchange, for heaven's sake, because Berlinguer, despite having pushed himself to consider NATO an umbrella useful for protecting the PCI's autonomy from Moscow, preferred to leave the majority of so-called national solidarity rather than to accept the missile rearmament of the Atlantic Alliance. Which was also aimed at countering the advantage acquired by the Soviets with the position of the SS20, behind the Iron Curtain, against the capitals of Western Europe.

To return to the more modest times of today, although engaged in a war perhaps even more insidious like that of the pandemic, let me say that I find amazing, to say the least, the arsonist role that newspapers, willy-nilly, play in this phase. although it was declared an emergency that imposed on the President of the Republic the therapy of the government led by Mario Draghi, and regularly trusted by Parliament. Therefore, only the ethyl fantasy of some marginal political figure can seriously see the fruit of a coup d'état, or of a conspiracy of ambiguous international interests. And with just as much ethyl fantasy one can mistake for sabotage the dissent on a single hour of "curfew" of a party of the majority, however indicated until the day before by the same opponents as the driving force, or prevailing, or overbearing of the majority.

I wonder why even we journalists – I'll take it myself, for heaven's sake – don't calm down and don't stop inciting rather than informing our readers, thus only hurting them, and without selling who knows how many more copies of it is no coincidence that our newspapers are on the newsstands less and less frequent.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-giornali-e-politici-si-azzuffano-per-quellora-del-coprifuoco/ on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 05:52:57 +0000.