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Why Beijing banishes the BBC

Why Beijing banishes the BBC

The exclusion from BBC World News is just one example of the growing rivalry between London and Beijing. The article by Giuseppe Gagliano

China accuses BBC World News, through its National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) organization, of violating the rules of the Chinese television administration.

Therefore, the NRTA has decided not to allow the TV channel to air for the year 2021 on Chinese soil. A ban that falls within a context of conflict between the two countries.

In its report assessing broadcasting rights on Chinese antennas, NRTA banned Britain's largest public channel from its airwaves. According to the television monitoring agency, he has broken the rules of impartiality and truthfulness in reports from China.

These violations of the regulations would harm China's national interests and ethnic solidarity, the statement said. This decision follows numerous reports declared anti-Chinese , in particular on the management of the first confinement in Wuhan or on the internment of Uyghurs.

In fact, there are points of divergence between the two countries such as the exclusion of Huawei for 5G equipment or the case of Hong Kong.

However, this decision was predictable given that Britain itself had banned broadcasting on its territory by the CGTN television channel a few days earlier.

The exclusion from BBC World News is just one example of the growing rivalry between London and Beijing. As late as the week of February 5, the British government fired three Chinese spies, posing as journalists .

This tends to show the importance of the balance of power between a British power that is once again emancipating itself and a Chinese power that wishes to secure its world hegemony.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-pechino-caccia-la-bbc/ on Sat, 13 Feb 2021 09:11:31 +0000.