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Why professionals crush the August decree

Why professionals crush the August decree

What did the leaders of professional associations say to the newspaper Italia Oggi against the August decree. Here are the reasons for the next protest

Professionals ready for a new demonstration to protest against the government. This time, however, unlike what happened at the beginning of June, the goal is to meet in the square, not in live streaming.


The initiative was decided on August 24 by the Joint Committee of Professions (Cup) and the Network of Technical Professions (Rpt), the organizations promoting the "States General of the professions", the web protest event staged last year June 4th.


At the base of this new protest the content of the August decree; the provision started its process again yesterday in the budget committee in the Senate and the text lacks one of the most requested rules by the professional associations, namely the possibility of enjoying grants, which the Relaunch decree has precluded self-employed workers.


«In the decree», Armando Zambrano, coordinator of the Rpt, tells ItaliaOggi , «there is nothing for professionals, if not some steps for extensions of payments and taxes and contributions that can indirectly affect us. This of course disappointed us a lot because the story of grants is still a nerve. We hoped that in the August decree it would be possible to intervene by opening up to freelancers, but this was not the case. We have already tabled a number of amendments to the text, we hope that the government will listen to us this time. We know that on this matter there is no attention from politics and parliament: we have tabled amendments on various occasions but there has been nothing to do. Professionals registered with private funds are considered second-class workers, there is a return to old prejudices towards our sector ».


The criticisms of the August decree also come from the president of Confprofessioni Gaetano Stella: «Unfortunately what interested us most did not exist. On the 2020 advances we hoped for a last rethinking by the government to meet the heartfelt appeal of the accountants who asked for an extension also given the workload they had to undergo. The move would have been an act of justice, but for alleged cash reasons everything was blocked. It is absurd that the government did not move what expired in June at least to September. As for the contribution to professionals, we can say that at least the May bonus has finally arrived. Here too », continues Stella,« we thought and were told that something would change, with the inclusion of professionals at least among the beneficiaries of non-repayable contributions. Finally, as regards the layoffs, perhaps it would have been useful to consider not only the decline in turnover but the type of activity. As for the IGC , many are still awaiting outstanding payments; the promised simplifications were not there. There is no real support for professionals, the category least considered by the government in this emergency phase. The fact that over 540,000 professionals registered with private funds have requested support is a symptom of the difficult situation in the sector ».

(Extract from an article by Italia Oggi; here the full version )

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-i-professionisti-stritolano-il-decreto-agosto/ on Wed, 26 Aug 2020 10:37:15 +0000.