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Daily Atlantic

Which country? The institutional mess is now a system and Churchill is not around

Some will ask why, even in the dark times of the pandemic, the calls for unity and a sense of homeland do not seem to work. I'm afraid I know the answer, not because I think I have the crystal ball, but only because I know a little and love the story very much. During the terrifying bombings on London and on the main English cities, in the summer of 1940, when a large part of the population was already about to resign themselves to the Germanic military power and some politicians, such as the foreign minister, Lord Halifax, already ventured the hypothesis of a surrender, Winston Churchill delivered to the nation the famous speech that I quote in part: "I have thought carefully if it was part of my duties to negotiate with that man", he began referring to Hitler, "but I am convinced that each of you would jump to your feet and he would drive me out if for a moment I contemplated the possibility of parliamentary law or surrender. If the long history of our island is to end, it will only end when we all lie on the ground suffocated by our blood! ”. The impact of the call to the glorious destiny of Great Britain was so strong and engaging that no one dared even mention the hypotheses of surrender and the legendary resilience of the people across the Channel allowed that shot, that blow of the kidneys that led to the final victory . Someone, a little pathetically, would like to see in Italy, having reached the threshold of the abyss, and not only from the point of view of the epidemic, the same blow to the kidneys. But that was Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, a brilliant politician and man of boundless culture also called to the government for having been First Lord of the Admiralty during the First World War, and let's not talk about someone who finds himself catapulted to the levers of the command of a great nation almost by chance, it is not known for what very high past or present merits and with what decision-making skills.

I may be allowed to affirm with conviction that today, at least in our part, the references to the sacrosanct values ​​of the homeland are little more than nonsense, which even border on cretinery when they reach us from some characters who do not even know what homeland is. Mind you … it is not the homeland that no longer exists or that no longer deserves the blood of those who in the past have sacrificed themselves for it. But is this our battered country home, where anyone sets foot with the most fraudulent and uncontrolled means and happily caring about our rules and our ultra-millennial history? How can we still define the homeland that we are selling off in pieces (not so small) to voracious international businessmen, not to mention the nations that even seem to want to colonize us, imposing their trade rules and exploiting our work? How could we have been reduced to being the last wheel of the wagon that we have built over the centuries? On the other hand, let's face it, hunger is hunger, the total institutional mess is now a system and they don't see Churchill around. People have their balls full of insecurity, uncertainty, about-face, total lack of state where there should be and too much state (tiny volunteer) where common sense, honesty, desire and the ability to do of the men and women of the our country, which still do not give up either to a crap virus, or to a system of corrupt and incapable of which we still have abundant samples from Mont Blanc to Capo Passero.

Yeah… Mont Blanc. Even that would like to snatch the very nice French neighbors. Rather than wasting time contesting the already laughable legal considerations that would justify this untimely and shameful claim, a nice Totò raspberry would be enough. Determined, noisy, mocking and emitted with head held high. But no, we bite like big fish at this nonsense, with the same supine passivity with which we continue to be told the story of "we are all united" recited as a litany by those who literally do everything to divide us and catalog us with tags like vegetables to market.

And where has the homeland gone? God forbid it is found at the same time and in the same circumstances as in the past. A past where it took only a moment to be coupled and there were no "great battles of thought" but small and great real battles, those where you have to prove what you are made of. Other than the battles scheduled for Saturday in the city centers by communistelli with the Hogans on their feet who challenge the policemen, strongly trusting in their sense of discipline and self-control. Let's hope we don't really understand what homeland really is. But it has happened to others. Let's hope it's not up to us too, because I want to see all these phenomena from the keyboard or flash mob in the center, promptly followed by a social aperitif, strictly with vegan snacks, fair and supportive. Totò where are you?

The post Which country? The institutional mess is now a system and Churchill is not seen around appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/quale-patria-il-casino-istituzionale-e-ormai-sistema-e-di-churchill-in-giro-non-se-ne-vedono/ on Tue, 10 Nov 2020 03:41:00 +0000.