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How much gas is there really still in the reserves of European countries? When you stay in the cold

We wrote a few days ago that Gazprom has decided not to buy space on the Yamal pipeline for the month of February. The amount of gas arriving from pipelines arriving through Ukraine is at its lowest. How are gas reserves going for those European countries that have them? When do you risk running out? In short, when will we be in a truly critical position?

Ini we are saying that official communications tend to reassure , speaking of a "halving of withdrawals" in the first 15 days of the year. Now with New Year's Eve just past and therefore industrial activity to a minimum, the "Savings" is linked to the enormous retail gas prices and the fact that, fortunately, it is not too cold. General Winter was a little more friendly with the Germans, and in any case half use also means half industrial production, or even less …

But how much gas is there really. The AGSI + site shows country by country the daily consumption of each country, the stocks present, the theoretical ones, the actual ones and the daily consumption, allowing to evaluate their duration.

Here is the true situation of European natural gas reserves:

Italy has the largest reserves in Europe, in an absolute sense, not as a percentage of total capacity. The latter value is secondary: I can have 80% full reserves, but these be minimal, as, for example, happens for Spain. Germany, in an absolute sense, is the second, but its reserve traffic light is already on "Yellow", because daily uses are high, albeit lower than in the previous period. France is even worse off: reserves are the lowest among the large European countries, and the percentage of decrease is the greatest.

Let's move on to analyze, country by country, the trend of the same in one month and six months.


And here is the situation at six months:

Germany's reserves in mid-January are near their mid-June lows. How will Germany arrive in June?

Let's now see Italy, with the situation at one month and six months

at one month:

And at six months

Here too we are at the lowest levels, but, evidently, the climate helps us because our accumulation occurs in the spring, so we could also initial to increase the reserves before Germany.

Now France

At one month:

And six months

The performance of French reserves is also steeper than that of Germany, while respecting its general profile.

The reserves are therefore very low, and at the end of February, without a trend reversal, these could be dramatically scarce. for some countries, such as the Nordic ones, where spring is late, the situation could become dramatic.

For now, the winter has been mild, but this situation could change. The energy policy mistakes of the various European countries will put Western Europe at the mercy of bad weather and Russia, and will put its citizens in the cold.

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The article How much Gas is there really still in the reserves of European countries? When you stay in the cold it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quanto-gas-ce-veramente-ancora-nelle-riserve-dei-paesi-europei-quando-resterete-al-freddo/ on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 07:00:49 +0000.