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The Czech Republic cancels the vaccination obligation. Moderna shares plummet. End of the Covid regime?

News comes from the Czech Republic that could mark the end of the terrorist phase of the covid-19 epidemic. As reported by Radio Prague, the Czech Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, announced the government's decision to cancel the vaccination obligation for people over sixty and for some categories of workers previously identified by the government. The majority, made up of the populist party ANO and the social democrats, approved an amendment to this effect in the latest rules relating to Covid-19 approved by parliament.

The trend invention follows a series of large popular demonstrations which saw the participation of a large crowd. The vaccination requirement was badly accepted by the people and the government had to take notice. Furthermore, the spread of Omicron is making vaccination less and less significant, so some governments have no intention of "Dying for the vaccine", crashing into public opinion.

The lesser significance of the vaccination campaign is also felt by the stock exchange, which severely punished Moderna (MRNA) shares, a pharmaceutical company that has staked everything on mRNA vaccines and which has suffered a 6% decline in a single session

The stock market tends to anticipate the reality of the facts and therefore this is a signal that we are moving not towards an extension of obligations, but towards a reduction. Obviously, as always, they will remain the last "Japanese" of the obligations to fight in the jungle even after the war is over, but the signal is quite clear. Frankly, I wonder what will remain of the hate campaign mounted in recent months.

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The article The Czech Republic cancels the vaccination obligation. Moderna shares plummet. End of the Covid regime? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-repubblica-ceca-cancella-lobbligo-vaccinale-le-azioni-moderna-precipitano-fine-del-regime-covid/ on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 09:00:41 +0000.