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Economic Scenarios

Vito Gulli died: great entrepreneur who had 100% localized production in Italy

Unfortunately, Vito Gulli passed away, a name that will not say much to many, but that with Generali Conserve SPA he had created the As Do Mar brand, which many of you surely remember. A very particular humanist entrepreneur: while many bring abroad, relocate, in order to earn more, he boasted of having brought 100% of the production of his tuna to his own factory in Olbia, only from sustainable and national sources. His pride was not that of having closed an unproductive factory, but of having recalled hundreds of Sardinian workers from layoffs. Under his leadership, Generali Conserve has reached second place in the tuna sector, an enviable position not achieved on the shoulders of the workers. Born in 1951, another entrepreneur that Italy would have been in great need of is leaving with him.

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The Dead article Vito Gulli: great entrepreneur who had 100% localized production in Italy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/morto-vito-gulli-grande-imprenditore-che-aveva-localizzato-la-produzione-al-100-in-italia/ on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 08:54:56 +0000.