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Molinari’s heartfelt appeal, between gags and ghosts

“I have a certain practice of the world; and what we say humanity, and we fill our mouths to say humanity, a beautiful word full of wind, I divide it into five categories: men, half men, hominins, (with respect speaking) pigliainculo and quaquaraquà. Very few men; the half-men are few, because I would be content with humanity if it stopped at the half-men. But no, it goes down even further, to the hominins: they are like children who think they are grown-ups, monkeys who make the same moves as adults.

And further down: the pigliainculo, who are becoming an army. And finally the quaquaraquà: who should live like ducks in puddles, because their life has no more meaning and more expression than that of ducks. You, even if you nail me to these papers like a Christ, you are a man. " (Extract from Sciascia, 1960, The day of the owl)

In his noteworthy speech in the Chamber, last December 3, the Northern League deputy Riccardo Molinari appeals to the men of the "left" to curb the authoritarian drift for which, he says, the M5S was created and placed in Parliament.

Because, the much ostentatious and vaunted "direct democracy" is turning out to be nothing more than the ferocious, cruel, biased and ruthless passage – undemocratic, is an euphemism – to the digital world government complete with electronic identity card, dematerialized health card, electronic invoice, electronic medical record, and the reunification of all these databases in a centralized "cloud" through convenient nanochips or QR codes in our smartphones or on our skin, which will act, after blackmail, as sine qua non tools to pay and get paid .

It is digital currency, the ghost of which no one speaks or only marginally in the context of the great reset, but which is the pivot of the forced digitization that we are undergoing in a paradigm, not already changed – contrary to what the advertising says – but worsened , that of the debt currency where the underlying – or the reserve – will be our biometric data constantly connected to the “cloud”, monitored, negotiated, sold, evaluated.

From a fetish of money, with gold and sovereign debt, the "reserve" of the currency – or underlying, collateral – is becoming our biometric data, in a historically unheard-of violation of habeas corpus.

The Undersecretary of the MEF Alessio Villarosa works hard at the reunification of the various databases in a single card. When I "scolded" him at reading this article Stop cash, the unique card for identity and electronic payments arrives – Il Sole 24 ORE , had no other argument than teasing me about the fact that I would be "retrograde", that I wanted to go back to "paper". A manipulation in order not to answer on the merits. I'm not against technology at all, quite the opposite, but merging databases into a single card violates privacy and centralizes power in such a way as to pave the way for generalized blackmail, as in China, with scoring. All the information of a person, including his expenses, will be managed and controlled centrally also in collaboration with GAFAM (google, amazon, facebook, apple and MSN), or over the top, so much so that the " cloud ”data center in Milan is built with a Microsoft investment in Poste Italiane.

Commissioner Arcuri, who accumulates among the many offices also that of President of Invitalia SpA, recently declared at a press conference:

"We are designing an IT platform, which will make it possible to manage the verification of the administration to know the names of the people who have made the vaccine and where they did it , to follow the traceability of goods in the area . It will be the Ministry of Health that will establish the modalities ».

Point 1: the blackmail served. Don't you get vaccinated? We do not let you use the card that brings together the personal data, the health card and the online payment system, which will be mandatory to pay taxes, fines or anything else with the Public Administration.

Point 2: yes, you heard right, we are the GOODS. “Their” goods. To "verify" (see Alfonso Luigi Marra) money, large creditors need a census of the workforce which in digital is no longer done with birth certificates controlled by the state but with biometric data, chats, geolocation controlled from MSN and Cie. They also have to check the assets, to mortgage our data, so our databases, including those of the underground have always been "open" to all the multinationals who want to do business with drills. With the databases on corporate income and tourism revenues, collected by Booking and Expedia, helped in this by the "statistical" collections of the provinces, the tourism multinationals have perfected the inventories of our assets – our real gold – which with the failure of the sector, they are preparing to take with the refrain of "you will have nothing and you will be happy", served up by the World Economic Forum, to prepare us for the future they are preparing us, where nothing will belong to us but will belong to someone, since we will have to rent it from "someone". The usual ghost?

Promoting the future of the World Economic Forum

Total control of "their" goods that we are, also passes through the control and fencing of our movements: the Sumerians did it with the invention of the calendar that marked the rhythms of work and rest, here they will do it with geolocation and extensive prohibitions and various lockdowns, completely abusive and inconsistent, due to cuviddi. Like the closing of the restaurants at 6pm.

Finally, there are our biometric and health data, which are the real new gold of the new digital currency, where we are the underlying assets of the currency that will always be a debt, a real weapon of blackmail with the obligation, DE FACTO, of the vaccine to come. . There is no paradigm shift on the horizon contrary to what they are telling us, if not what we want to do when a critical mass of sheep understands that it is we who form the "capital" of their lords!

I have already talked about the delights of total control in previous articles, for example the MSN patent of a crypto currency with human mining, to detect even the type of thinking of "users" with comfortable sensors (for example, we will know later that sensors can be quantum dots in the form of sprays or patches) in order to condition us with the old trick of the carrot and stick: think well, here is the crypto, think wrong, no money.

Or the crypto of Visa that "eats" all the banknotes of the world to send them back to you in digital form, in whatever denomination they are, not even the new world central bank. A way to accelerate the road towards "cashless" which is one of Conte's main missions …

This is the great reset, which unfortunately no one talks about in Parliament, limiting everyone, except perhaps Sara Cunial who does not go into the monetary question, to suffer supine and prone, or to cackle about the effects and not the causes, as she is doing the opposition for months.



Meanwhile, the national digital agenda is advancing, with the establishment for all of a digital identity presented as an "opportunity" and fallaciously as "optional" but it follows the agenda of the ID2020 organization of Bill Gates, architect of the new world order . Proof of this is the shameful promotion to unified networks of the Premier on the 3rd evening, in announcing the demented dpcm of Christmas, of the app "I" to be downloaded from the PagoPA SpA site, complete with "Spid" and "award ceremony" at the end of the year for use of electronic payments (maximum 150 euros). And the establishment of a "lottery" naturally requires the registration of our data, to acquire digital identity, and tame ourselves.

The io / italia app in partnership with Apple and MSN, Facebook, Twitter etc.

Notice how the electronic payments of bank cards are purposely confused with those of apps in smartphones, which is the real goal of the new order: the transition from the banking system to digital multinationals, those that control the net and smartphones, is expected to be new " owners ”of the world.

With the excuse of technological progress they are resetting our brains, properties, democracy, bank accounts, life. They are depriving us of the Constitution and of all natural, constitutional, elementary, human rights.

And while they deprive us of even the most basic right to visit a hospitalized relative, and to monitor their therapy and treatment, we read from the guidelines of the AIFA and the Ministry of Health , that for home care of the SARS Cov 2 are practically ALL treatments that work are not recommended for general practitioners, from aspirin to antibiotic, from cortisone to heparin, from chloroquine to any vitamin or supplementary therapy: in practice, the policy wants patients not to take care of themselves and go to enlarge their hospital beds, increasing the emergency numbers to terrify us better. Only tachipirina is recommended which, according to the vast majority of doctors in science and conscience, only worsens the clinical condition of a patient.

In the meantime, while these crimes against humanity are being carried out, they are ferrying us towards the “digital republic” complete with electronic democratic participation, sic, the dystopian dream expressed in the video Gaia by Casaleggio associates (1) more than ten years ago. Insane because it requires the total destruction of nation states, the elimination of any residue of sovereignty, the cancellation from the face of the earth not only of the sacrosanct principle of self-determination of peoples, but of human rights tout court, requires total control of our lives, for the acquisition of biometric data, without which, the digital debt currency cannot stand. Because our biometrics are the pejorative form of our coerced, forced, acceptance of money. And all this while we are distracted by equally frightening topics such as the immigration decree, or the economic problems of covid management, and daily deaths.

The "direct democracy" according to the government. Ministry of Digitization

The "direct democracy" according to the government. Ministry of Digitization

Now, it would be appropriate that this theme, the highlight, the keystone, the holy grail, the g-spot of power, the real goal of this exploitation of a health problem, was carried out at least by the opposition! Otherwise it will just give the impression, as it is doing, that you are just an extra and that you fundamentally agree with the grand reset plan. Or not to want or to be able to oppose it. To go on living, like the hominins.

As proof of the fact that parliament has actually been gagged, not only in the literal sense of the term, but in the absolute sense since here, as elsewhere, it is happening on our heads and on our skin – without any debate in parliament and in absence even the most basic information about it – a change in the monetary model that only reinforces the old millennial paradigm of the exploitation of men by a caste!

Only that to get there, in the West which is the bourgeoisie of the world, there will be tears and blood, iron and fire! Unless we spread the word: wake up! What they want to do with us is this: the massacre of the kulaks, the deportation of the Finzi Contini, the deflationary and plundering final solution of the heritage of a flock that is used all too well – according to the caste – and which must be replaced or hybridized with other heads of cattle that they will be satisfied with much less – always according to caste !! A caste that has focused on the dragon of the east which is going with the wind in its sails, like us after the war thanks to a Marshall plan, the Asian countries are experiencing exponential economic growth!

We, the Italians, throughout the post-war period, presented a hard time for the multinationals who wanted to penetrate our market, counterfeit us and annihilate us, as the Italians produced excellence, and with the lira, the escalator, the iri and public banks, this excellence was marketed and consumed by the Italians themselves, in their magnificent territory! The multinationals, the same ones that now want to eliminate the last masters of Italian excellence, have done everything to defeat the "competition" of the countless small companies that proudly cultivated and promoted the territory.

Without a world coup, they would not have been able to reduce us to Greece. With this world coup, unfortunately, we will be reduced to much worse than Greece – because here the saying "Bad common half joy" does not apply – while we would have all the tools to get out of it and show the way, but only by eliminating these total traitors from the political scene, that I do not know in which category of Sciascia to place, to you the arduous sentence.

Bravo the Hon. Molinari for the heat! But now concentrate on the point, putting it on the table. Thanks.

Nforcheri 05/12/2020

Other references

Grillo the Rooster? – Nicoletta Forcheri 2012

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The article Accorato appeal by Molinari, between gags and ghosts comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/accorato-appello-di-molinari-tra-bavagli-e-fantasmi/ on Sat, 05 Dec 2020 14:41:15 +0000.