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SISALPAY BLOCKS PAYMENTS FROM OCTOBER 15. The latest aftermath of the Wirecard scandal

Wirecard strikes again, albeit indirectly. Many customers of Sisalpay rechargeable cards have received the following email:

Dear Customer,

we inform you that from 15 October until mid-December the incoming transfer functionality of your SisalPay prepaid card will be temporarily suspended. We are working to replace the German IBAN of your card with an Italian IBAN, to guarantee you a better experience and maximum security. We are sorry for the disservice but for us the safety of our customers is first. You can still continue to use the card for your purchases and to make outgoing bank transfers!
Remember that you can top up your card or have it top up by another person at SisalPay | points of sale 5 enabled, in cash and with an ATM.
Recharging the card is very simple, you just need to bring your health card, an identity document and the ID Card to be recharged (located on the back of the same). In case of recharging by another person, it is also necessary to communicate to the merchant the tax code of the cardholder to be recharged.
We will notify you as soon as the inbound transfer functionality is restored.
We apologize for the inconvenience,

What transpires from this communication is the following:

  • Sisalpay has evidently broken all agreements with Wirecard and therefore finds itself in the need to replace the partner as soon as possible;
  • burned by the German experience Sisalpay tries again with an Italian bank, but which one will be available to open hundreds of thousands of current accounts?
  • however, the decision was sudden and unprepared, so much so that transfers were blocked for two months.

Wirecard is a sinking ship that everyone wants to escape from, but at the same time, Sisal has been completely unprepared. At the same time we are at the paradox that those who have money on a current account cannot cover the rechargeable card, but must withdraw them and load them in cash at the tobacconist's. Then try to abolish cash.

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The article SISALPAY BLOCKS PAYMENTS FROM OCTOBER 15. The latest aftermath of the Wirecard scandal comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sisalpay-blocca-i-versamenti-dal-15-ottobre-lultimo-strascico-dello-scandalo-wirecard/ on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:45:03 +0000.