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Economic Scenarios


Today the journalist Lina Palmerini, "quirinalist" for Il Sole 24 ore, that is, in charge of publishing the papers broadcast by the presidential Entourage, came out with this very nice little piece concerning the possibility that the dissidents of the M5s send under the government on the vote on the ESM:

So the Quirinale between transpire that the vote against the ESM could lead to the Government's "questioning the international economic policy", that is, its complete, total, shameful submission to Brussels. Then comes the great threat, the real horse's head for dissidents: beware that, if you dishearten Conte, then he has to resign and we don't know what can happen. Maybe you can, God I don't want to, go to early elections and, mgari, all of you pentastellati, you would stay at home.

This is the greatest threat, but it's like playing a game with an unloaded gun. By now we have shouted "Al Lupo" too many times to believe it. Indeed:

  • everyone knows that with the ongoing covid-19 epidemic it is IMPOSSIBLE to go to the vote. everyone has been saying this for months, especially to guarantee the government. How could this be possible right now?
  • however a new majority is possible, but it still requires the participation of at least part of the M5s. Indeed, for a part of the Party it would be a question of making a qualitative leap, after eliminating the Conte clan and, perhaps, a slice of that of Di Maio.
  • at this moment in the Commission and in the Council they have much more serious problems than the Italian no to the MES, with Hungary and Poland blocking the budget and forcing them to retract the whole problem of the "rule of law".

Mattarella's horse head does not work. Do you really see the President dissolving the Houses? At the most, it will raise the threat to bring the cows back to Conte's stable, if he really wants to link his future to that of the Foggia professor.

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The article THE HORSE'S HEAD OF MATTARELLA NO LONGER WORKS comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-testa-di-cavallo-di-mattarella-non-funziona-piu/ on Thu, 03 Dec 2020 21:25:08 +0000.