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Economic Scenarios

There is talk of Superlega, but Italian sport, the real one, is dying

Today everyone is talking about the Superlega project, the European "Closed" League which should contain 12 exclusive and dominant clubs (Juventus Milan and Inter for Italy) to which some must be added for the final phase after a playoff among 20 other clubs (for the Italy, Rome and Naples) and that would close the European cups organized by Uefa out the door. A power game between the European football body and the big clubs in which sport has very little to do with it, if not, but the billions of sponsorships and live broadcasts are important. A rather tired show, a “Panem et Circenses” in which the bread is stale and the circuses wordy and boring.

Uefa has threatened rebel clubs to be kicked out of the league and we will see how the soap opera will end, now more interesting than the game itself. UEFA against the same clubs he helped launch and which have become show business companies that are not interesting to play against Benevento or Frosinone, but only to play against each other, otherwise "They take the ball away". UEFA and FIFA, to make money, have created a monster, let them enjoy it. However, out of this circle of super-rich, how is Italian sport? As the Lombards would say "He died", or almost ..

As Italiaoggi shows us , 61% of Italian sports associations and clubs recorded losses of more than 50% in 2020. One in ten companies declares that it will no longer reopen due to the effects of the pandemic: most of them due to the too high level of costs to be supported, but many companies blame these numbers on the lack of aid from the government. The loss of business volume naturally affects employment in the sector and practitioners whose numbers are in free fall.

So, however it goes, Italy will lose 10% of its sports clubs. The costs for the management are too high, you are not in it, and the state has not assigned sufficient aid even for the mere survival of the sector. In reality they are two sides of the same sector: often the facilities are public, the costs of use are high because the municipalities have to raise money, and therefore, in any case, there is always a lack of public support for sport. Except then to see some lonely politician on TV extolling its qualities for young people.

Undersecretary Valentina Vezzali has already communicated that the funds for amateur sport will arrive, but, alongside this there is a cultural problem: it is also about reversing a domestic and lazy trend brought about by the lockdown on our young people. Now it will be necessary to invest money and convictions to convince them to give up the playstation and go back to the fields and gyms. This too is a damage linked to the previous government which we will pay, and will pay, the cost for a long time.

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The article We talk about Superlega, but Italian sport, the real one, is dying comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/si-prla-di-superlega-ma-lo-sport-italiano-e-morto/ on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 08:00:54 +0000.