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Usurer, wretched vile race! The book not to be missed is out in the Italian edition

Usurer, vil damned race! Book of Gingko editions (Verona)

Usurer, vil damned race! Libro di Gingko edizioni (Verona) is an anthology of the precursors to the fight against double-breasted speculators.

The Gingko edizioni has recently published a book with a title that does not allow for misunderstandings of interpretation: “Usurai, vil damned race! Opposition to money lenders.

Usurer, vil damned race!

The Struggle to Abolish the Slavery of Interest "is an anthology of the writings of authors who fought to straighten the distortions of a criminogenic financial system, Arthur Nelson Field, John A. Lee, John Hargrave, Ezra Pound, Father Charles Coughlin, Gottfried Feder.

The curator of this anthology of anti-usurer thinkers is New Zealander Kerry Bolton.

Apart from Ezra Pound some of these authors are not well known in Italy.
We're talking about Arthur Nelson Field, John A. Lee from the southern hemisphere and John Hargrave, the brilliant creator of the Green Shirt movement in Great Britain.
The engineer lent to politics, Gottfried Feder, with his ideas allowed Germany to be reborn industrially and financially, without resorting to international capital, offered in exchange for interest at the level of usury.
Feder after the First World War offered his plans to the German Communists, who did not even deign an answer and then to Adolf Hitler.
The future German dictator immediately sensed that those ideas would work and, as everyone later saw, they worked perfectly.
Some say that he revived the German economy by investing in armaments, but statistics say that until 1938 they spent as much as other European nations, with the exception of the Soviet Union which invested enormous sums in armaments.

In particular, an extraordinary priest who enjoyed a huge following in the United States during the 1930s deserves to be better known. We are talking about Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest known as "the radio priest".
If he had lived in the present day, with the internet he would enjoy a worldwide following.
He contributed to the election of President Roosevelt, so great was his following, but then he disavowed him before being silenced by him.
Roosevelt offered to send his own ambassador to the Vatican in exchange for Father Coughlin's mute broadcasting.

Charles Edward Coughlin

Charles Edward Coughlin was born in Hamilton, Ontario on October 25, 1891.
From adolescence he wanted to be a priest. He was ordained a priest in 1916.
He taught for seven years at Assumption College in Ontario and moved to Detroit in 1923. There he founded a church in Royal Oak, Michigan, with a congregation of 28 families.

Being a baseball fan, he met Dick Richards, owner of the Detroit Tigers, who offered to sponsor a half-hour speech on his radio station.
Father Coughlin began his Sunday radio broadcasts on WJR in 1926. The themes were family, with an emphasis on children.
An anti-Coughlin critic, Wallace Stegner, will recall that in the midst of the despair of the Great Depression, Father Coughlin's voice was "of such sweet richness, so manly, so warm, so intimate, so confidential, so emotional and graceful, that anyone tune in to it almost automatically, he would hear it again.
He was undoubtedly one of the great voices of the twentieth century ”.

Usurer, vil damned race! The book by Gingko Edizioni (Verona)

Usurer, vil damned race! Book of Gingko editions (Verona)


From Gingko Edizioni

from Amazon (POD) and ebook

His popularity grew rapidly and donations poured in, allowing him to buy space on other stations. The broadcast was picked up by CBS.
His congregation grew to 2,600 families, and a 60-meter tower was added to the Church that was used for broadcasting. On January 30, 1930, Father Coughlin broadcast his first political speech, referring to the "Bolsheviks and the bankers who support them".

He attacked President Herbert Hoover. Senator Hamilton Fish Jr. asked Coughlin to testify in Washington against Communism. But his broadcasts were abruptly canceled by CBS in 1931. However, Coughlin appealed to his listeners for funding and, through the postal service, received 80,000 letters a week, and soon developed his own radio network that reached around ten million listeners. . A new post office was built in Royal Oak to handle the huge amount of mail that Coughlin received.

Or Roosevelt, or ruin it

During the presidential election of 1932 Coughlin strongly promoted the candidacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, under the slogan 'O Roosevelt, or ruin', describing Roosevelt's plan of a 'New Deal' to restart the American economy as' The covenant of Christ '.

At this point the radio audience was estimated to be between 30,000,000 and 45,000,000 listeners. Roosevelt met with Coughlin several times to solicit his support, and Coughlin wrote various speeches for Roosevelt.
The Catholic hierarchy approved, and Pope Pius XI wrote to Coughlin, congratulating him on his adherence to the social doctrine of the Catholic Church. Once Roosevelt assumed the presidency, Coughlin soon saw him as a puppet of international bankers. The break with Roosevelt became public in March 1933 and during a broadcast he said he considered Roosevelt a "burden".

The 16 creeds of the anti-usury movement

He published books that sold millions of copies and could be read with profit even today, as the banking system felt no need to self-reform. Here are the sixteen principles enunciated by Father Coughlin in founding his movement:

  1. I believe in freedom of conscience and freedom of education, I will not allow the state to dictate my worship in my God or my vocation in life.
  2. I believe that every citizen willing to work and able to work will receive a fair annual salary that will allow him to both support and educate his family, according to the standards of American decency.
  3. I believe in the nationalization of those public resources which, by their very nature, are too important to be kept under the control of private individuals.
  4. I believe in private property more than any other property.
  5. I believe in defending the right to private property but in controlling it for the public good.
  6. I believe in the abolition of the Federal Reserve's private banking system and the creation of a government-owned Central Bank.
  7. I believe in removing from the hands of private owners the right to coin and regulate the value of money, a right that must be returned to Congress, to which it belongs.
  8. I believe that one of the main duties of this government-owned Central Bank will be to keep the cost of living in balance and to repay dollar debts with dollars of equal value.
  9. I believe in covering the cost of production, plus a fair profit, for the farmer.
  10. I believe not only in the right of workers to organize themselves into trade unions, but also in the duty of the government, which supports the worker, to protect these organizations against the vested interests of wealth and the intellect.
  11. I believe in the appeal of all non-productive bonds and therefore in the alleviation of taxation.
  12. I believe in the abolition of tax-free obligations.
  13. I believe in expanding the tax base, according to the principles of ownership and the ability to pay.
  14. I believe in the simplification of the government and the further abolition of an overwhelming taxation from the slender income that belongs to the working class.
  15. I believe that, in the event of a war for the defense of our nation and its freedoms, there will be a conscription of wealth and a conscription of men.
  16. I believe in preferring the sanctity of human rights to the sanctity of property rights; because the main concern of the government will have to be for the poor because, as we can see, the rich have ample means of their own to look after themselves.


From Gingko Edizioni

from Amazon (POD) and ebook

Kerry Bolton Usurai, Fel Damned Race! Opposition to money lenders. The struggle to abolish the slavery of interests Gingko Edizioni, Verona. Euro 19 ISBN 9788831229173

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The article Usurai, vil damned race! It was released in Italian edition of the book not to be missed is from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/usurai-vil-razza-dannata-e-uscito-in-edizione-italiana-il-libro-da-non-perdere/ on Thu, 12 Nov 2020 10:47:26 +0000.