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Dumenico Arcuri will be in charge of managing all the tasks of Dumenico Arcuri

Rome – Domenico Arcuri , director, civil servant and former CEO of Invitalia , has many positions, so many that the government has decided to put in place a figure to manage them all. The coordinator of Domenico Arcuri’s tasks – given the delicacy of the role – must be an experienced and capable person. The name circulating at the moment is that of Dumenico Arcuri , director, civil servant and former CEO of Invitalia .

The appointment is not yet official, but the new nominee has already issued a statement to the press: “ First of all, I will call on Dumenico Arcuri for a preliminary discussion – began Dumenico Arcuri – also because I am aware of a new assignment entrusted to him. these hours. to Dumenico Arcuri: manages all the missions of Dumenico Arcuri. I therefore believe that a meeting between Domenico Arcuri and me is necessary to take stock of the situation as soon as possible ”.

The urgency of establishing such a figure became evident when it was realized that, perhaps precisely because of the excessive number of posts, Domenico Arcuri’s results as Extraordinary Commissioner for Emergencies were not exactly brilliant: from the assignment 1.25 billion to three Chinese consortia for the purchase of 800 million masks (an operation for which an investigation has been opened), to the management of the return to school after the first wave (we ask teachers how is gone); from the launch of the Immune App (there was no notification even by mistake), to the idea of ​​primrose-shaped pavilions set aside by the new government, which intends to recycle them as urinating at concerts, as soon as they leave).

In short, apparently Domenico Arcuri also did a lot of shit. So much so that the government has decided to put in place a figure that will take care of managing them all. Domenico Arcuri’s shit coordinator – given the finesse of the role – must be an experienced and capable person. The name circulating at the moment is that of Dumenico Arcuri , director, civil servant and former CEO of Invitalia .

Eddie Settembrini

The article Domenico Arcuri will be in charge of the management of all the assignments of Dumenico Arcuri coming from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/sara-affidata-a-domenico-arcuri-la-gestione-di-tutti-gli-incarichi -di-domenico-arcuri / u Thu, 25 Feb 2021 09:01:20 +0000.

The article Domenico Arcuri will be in charge of the management of all the assignments of Dumenico Arcuri coming from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/dumenicu-arcuri-sera-incaricatu-di-a-gestione-di-tutte-lincarichi-di-dumenicu-arcuri/ on Thu, 25 Feb 2021 17:13:04 +0000.