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Berlusconi’s little theater on La Russa

Berlusconi's little theater on La Russa

Berlusconi's injury in the Senate: Ignazio La Russa elected president in spite of him. The Scratches of Damato

In the Senate, at the opening of the nineteenth legislature, Silvio Berlusconi took the whole scene, but in reverse. Party with the intention of making the election of Ignazio La Russa fail as president by ordering, or by ordering, the abstention of his own to make him miss the 104 necessary votes, but reserving the personal right to derogate from the order by voting, it is not clear but how, the former prime minister found himself a prisoner of his trap. Or his “little theater”, as he himself once called the politics made by others, despising it.

Ignazio La Russa, also taken away the satisfaction of facing him in a squabble in the hemicycle of Palazzo Madama, and of making him lose his patience by banging a pen on the counter, obtained from the opposition the votes he missed from Forza Italia. He thanked, if he kept them tight, took office with a speech, let's say, abundant, or broad, and enjoyed from a distance – like Giorgia Meloni from the Chamber – the spectacle of the meritorious oppositions, also praised by the candidate at the Palazzo Chigi. Oppositions that hid behind the anonymity of the secret ballot, happy to have demonstrated without great effort – he said – the inadequacy of the majority, on paper, of the center-right out of the polls. Frankly, it could not have been better for them, nor worse for the center-right and, more specifically, for Berlusconi at the debut of the profession of "director", guarantor and whatever else assigned – remember? – in the return to the Senate after nine, long years of absence, escorted this time to the courtroom by Licia Ronzulli strictly in evident red, so to speak.

Now, without wanting to mortgage anything too much, and also make us prisoners of a theater, we just have to wait for the developments of the legislature, the completion of the institutional bodies, the ritual consultations of the patient president of the Republic, who Ignazio La Russa will replace in case of impediment, and the negotiations – finally the real ones, not fake ones of the last few days – for the formation of the new government: the first predictably led by women in the history of Italy.

At least on this primacy, Meloni can still count, as well as on the probable Minister of Economy: the very anomalous or particular Northern League player Giancarlo Giorgetti, escorted in his movements to Montecitorio by a crowd of journalists, friends and onlookers who once gave the measure of authentic leadership, not just perceived.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/primo-piano/il-teatrino-di-berlusconi-su-la-russa/ on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 16:09:55 +0000.